NAHEP has been formulated by ICAR with a total cost of US$ 165 million (Rupees 1100 crores at the exchange rate of Rs. 66.75 = 1US$) for five years starting from 2017-18. The project is proposed on 50:50 cost sharing basis between the World Bank and the Government of India, implemented at the Education Division, ICAR, New Delhi. Overall, the project aims to develop resources and mechanism for supporting infrastructure, faculty and student advancement, and providing means for bettergovernance and management of agriculturaluniversities, so that a holistic model can be developed to raise the standard of current agriculturaleducation system that provides more jobs and is entrepreneurship oriented and on par with the global agriculture education standards. The mandate of ICAR/DARE includes promotion and coordination of education in agriculture, agro-forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, home science and allied sciences in the country. ICAR is now embarking upon an ambitious step in further strengthening the National Agricultural Education system in the country through National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) with financial assistance of the World Bank by investing on infrastructure, competency and commitment of faculty, and attracting talented students to agriculture.
Injecting needed level of skill together with strengthened knowledge base into the agricultural graduates so as to make them capable of confronting the current and upcoming challenges to the sector head on as well as to prepare them for self and cross sectoral employment.
To produce regionally, nationally and globally competitive agripreneurs in the era of globalization and liberalization of agricultural trade and commerce by imparting knowledge and skill based agricultural education.
National Agricultural Higher Education Project
Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan - II, New Delhi - 110 012 INDIA
All Right Reserved, NAHEP Team, AAU, Jorhat