Braj Kumar Nehru

Braj Kumar Nehru

From 01-04-1969 to 19-09-1973

Braj Kumar Nehru, an influential figure in Indian politics from the Nehru-Gandhi family, was the Governor of Assam between 1969 and 1973. His term saw significant contributions and challenges that shaped Assam's political, social, and economic landscape. Born on August 4, 1909, to Brijlal Nehru, a notable Indian diplomat, and a cousin to India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, he had a strong foundation in politics and administration. Starting his public service career as India's Ambassador to the United States in 1961, his diplomatic expertise was widely respected. As Governor, Nehru focused on development, improving infrastructure, education, and the economy of Assam. He championed social cohesion, cultural exchanges, and initiatives to bridge communal divides. Nehru's governance left a lasting impact, laying the groundwork for future projects and fostering Assam's growth.