Agriculture in Assam is considered as the most valued enterprise playing a pivotal role state’s economy contributing about 19% to the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) during 2016-17 engaging about 70% of the population directly or indirectly. Assam Agricultural University (AAU), being the premier institution of North Eastern India has been targeting to produce globally competitive human resources along with pursuing agricultural researches in frontier areas and disseminating generated technologies to the deepest corners of the state to bring sustainability in farming and food security to the ever-growing populations. Emphasis on agricultural development in Assam was also put forwarded during pre-independence era through establishment of Upper Shillong Experimental Farm (now in Meghalaya) during 1897, however, real progress in terms of agricultural research in Assam was took place through Rice Experimental Stations at Karimganj and Titabar during 1913 and 1923, respectively.
Three high yielding rice varieties viz., Prachur, Shatabdi and Patkai were notified by the CVRC for cultivation in the state of Assam.
The experiment on weed management in maize system in rabi recorded the highest grain yield, which has appeared as zonal recommendation in rice maize cropping sequence.
One newly developed blackgram variety ‘AAU SBC 50’ has completed all the formalities including DNA profiling at NBPGR and ready for submission to SVRC.
The University has a fairly good network to conduct research. This includes six Regional Agricultural Research Stations (AAU-Zonal Research Station) and five commodity research stations as indicated below:
Regional Agricultural Research StationsThe University follows a well laid out Research Management System to systematically carryout need based, demand driven, situation specific and problem oriented research. Under the current management system (Figure below), the research problems are identified based on the information collected by the scientists from the farmers’ fields and also on the basis of the feedback received from the line departments of the state government. The system ensures project based funding and effective monitoring of the programs to make them sharply focused to the relevant problems only.