Department of Basic Sciences is one of the key departments in the Institution. The department is not only armed to impart knowledge of the basic sciences on which further study and research of the students rely, but also blend the future citizens of the nation with innovative ideas to nurture their talents.
Assam State Biodiversity Board sponsored project on
"Assessment of Citrus Species of Assam with special emphasis on genetic diversity and conservation of Rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri Lush.) of Agro-climatic zones (C0-PI)", project cost Rs.4.95 Lakh
DBT, India sponsored project on
"Mainstreaming rice landraces diversity in varietal development through genomic prediction: A model for large scale utilization of gene bank collections of rice", project cost Rs.70.9432 Lakh
APART sponsored project on
"Evaluations of rice varieties under crop cafeteria",
WORLD BANK sponsored project on
Private organization sponsored project on
"Evaluation of rice variety developed from a private organization",