The Department of Family Resource Management, under the Faculty of Community Science started its operations in the year, 1973, guided by the leading minds in the resource management, with a plan to develop its identity as a teaching and research department in the Faculty of highest international quality. This department deals with the Art and Science of Living and Consumer related issues. Efforts in this area provide an understanding of how individuals and families obtain and utilize resources of time, money, and human capital, to achieve higher standard of living and overall quality of life.Resource Management and Consumer Science is an evolving field in Community Science that deals with various aspects of management of resources, with special emphasis on the relationship of human beings (human resource), interior space (space as a material resource) and the activities that are carried out in the space. The course is both relevant and significant due to the changing needs of human beings with their environment.It includes the major fields like ergonomics/Human factor Engineering, interior design, consumer economics and management of resources to prepare students to be effective managers, Occupational analyst, Interior designer and Consumer counsellor.
Resource Management and Consumer Science department is designed to enable the students to develop professional competence for jobs in the private, public sector and to take up entrepreneurial ventures. As an added dimension, the department has introduced Post Graduate Programme in the year 1992 and Ph. D Programme in 2010. The Dept. has undertaken different externally funded projects in the domain fields and also undertakes extension activities for capacity building and entrepreneurship development.
DST sponsored project on
"Drudgery reducing tools and techniques-an approach to foster scientific knowledge among rural women for better haelth and increase productivity", project cost Rs.22.35 Lakh
ARIAS Society, APART, Govt. of Assam sponsored project on
"‘Ergonomics in Agriculture -a way to improve work performance of farm workers to enhance productivity and better health’", project cost Rs.19.69 Lakh
Govt. of Assam sponsored project on
"Up-scalling of livelihood : implication through smart agriculture and agro eco tourism at Borbheta, Borjuri,Kaziranga area",
ICAR sponsored project on
"AICRP on Women in Agriculture",
Ministry of Human Resource Management, New Delhi sponsored project on
"Ergonomic design approaches for occupational wellness of tea pluckers engaged in manual tea plucking activities", project cost Rs.8.86 Lakh
Ministry of Human Resource Development sponsored project on
"DIC spoke institute", project cost Rs.1 Crore
IIT sponsored project on
"Design Innovation Centre (DIC) project on Ergnomics design approaches for occupational wellness of tea pluckers", project cost Rs.7155140 Lakh
ministry of Human Resource Develoment sponsored project on
"Design Innovation Centre (Spoke Institute)", project cost Rs.1 Crore
ICAR-GoI sponsored project on
"AICRP on Home Science (Family Resource Management)",
GoI,DBT sponsored project on
"Management of Green Wastes for Economic Benefit and Women Empowerment", project cost Rs.4033200.00 Lakh implemented in 2016.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bijoylaxmi Bhuyan)
MHRD sponsored project on
"Efficiency Innovation for Pounding of Rice", project cost Rs.5.7 Lakh implemented in 2016.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Mira Kalita)
National Tea Research Foundation, Tea Board of India sponsored project on
"Ergonomic assessment of technologies used by workers in performance of different activities in tea fields", implemented in 2006.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Nandita Bhattacharyya)
National Tea Research Foundation, Tea Board of India sponsored project on
"Ergonomic assessment of postures assumed by workers in tea fields", implemented in 2003.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Nandita Bhattacharyya)
Indian Council of Agricultural Research sponsored project on
"Optimizing energy in rural households of Assam.", implemented in 2003.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Nandita Bhattacharyya)