General Informations

  • Join Date: 23/08/2011
  • College: College of Agriculture
  • Department: Tea Husbandry & Technology
  • Office Email: diganta.k.bora[at]
  • Other Charges: In-Charge, Tea Processing Unit, In-charge of Experimental Garden for Plantation Crops

Education Details

B.Sc. (Agri) with specialisation in Tea Husbandry & Technology

Assam Agricultural University


Assam Agricultural University


Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat

Employment History

23-08-2011 - 02-03-2016
Subject Matter Specialist

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Assam Agricultural University

03-03-2016 - Till date
Assistant Professor

Assam Agricultural University

  • 1. Received approval for a research project under the theme ' Need based

    technology for stakeholders' from the Honourable Vice Chancellor, AAU, Jorhat in March, 2023.

    2. Secured 2nd position in poster presentation in the International Conference on

    Biodiversity, Food Security, Sustainability & Climate Change - 2023.
  • 3. Released five different value added tea products manufactured in the Tea Processing Unit, Assam Agricultural University and received very

    good response from the consumers.
  • Participated in a training programme on 'Export Orientation of Agriculture/Horticulture' organized by Directorate of Extension Education, AAU, Jorhat and sponsored by Extension Education Institute, AAU, Khanapara,Guwahati, Assam from 07.11.2022 to 11.11.2022.
  • Received Certificate of Appreciation from Dr. B.C.Deka, Vice-Chancellor, AAU, Jorhat on 26th January, 2024 in recognition of significant contribution to revenue generation through production and selling of different processed tea manufactured at Tea Processing Unit, AAU, Jorhat.
  • Received best oral presentation award for presenting the paper titled 'Crush Tear Curl (CTC) green tea processing - A comparative biochemical analysis with conventional green tea (orthodox form)' in the international conference on 'Climate Smart Farming: Adoption, Impacts and Implications for Sustainable Development' held at College of Agriculture, Kyrdemkulai, Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya from 21st to 22nd November, 2024.
  • Assam Science Society
    Life Member
  • AAU, Jorhat sponsored project on "Improved spinning type water remover in green tea processing", project cost Rs.6.02 Lakh implemented in 2023.
  • Institutional research project sponsored project on "Standardisation of processing method for production of green CTC tea", implemented in 2020.
  • ` North-East Centre for Technology Application and Reach (DST), New Delhi sponsored project on "Augmentation of Income of Small Tea Growers of Assam through Production & Marketing of Specialty Tea", implemented in 2021.
  • Department of Biotechnology sponsored project on "Value addition and product diversification in tea", project cost Rs.38237731 Crore implemented in 2022.
  • Central Silk Board, Bengaluru sponsored project on "Standardisation of processing technologies for development of a mulberry drink and blending with green tea for value addition", implemented in 2020.