General Informations

  • Join Date: 01/02/2012
  • College: College of Agriculture
  • Department: Agricultural Economics & Farm Management
  • Office Email: dipanjan.kashyap[at]

Education Details


College of Fisheries, AAU


ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai


Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Other Qualifications

PGDAEM from MANAGE, Hyderabad

Other Qualifications

MBA (Marketing) from Pondicherry University

Employment History

01-02-2012 - 01-08-2014
Teaching Associate

College of Fisheries, Assam Agricultural University

01-08-2014 - 31-12-2019
Assistant Professor (Stage 1)

Dept. of Agril. Economics (MBA- Agri Business), College of Agriculture, AAU

01-01-2020 - Till date
Assistant Professor (Stage 2)

Dept. of Agril. Economics (MBA-Agri Business), College of Agriculture, AAU

  • First class-first in B.F.Sc. programme (2009).
  • ‘Merit scholarship’ for all the semesters during B.F.Sc. programme (2005-09).
  • First class-first (1st) in Fish Business Management department during M.F.Sc. (2011).
  • Dr. Hiralal Chaudhuri Gold medal for securing first position in the M.F.Sc. programme of Fish Business Management (2011).
  • ‘Institutional merit fellowship’ during M.F.Sc. programme (2009-11).
  • Received financial assistance-ship from Asian Productivity Organization to attend training on ‘Sustainability assessment of agribusiness enterprises’ w.e.f. 25-29 September, 2017 at Vientiane, Lao PDR.
  • Received Best Trainee award in ICAR-Winter School Programme on ‘Developments in Organic farming in tropical islands of India’ organized by ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Portblair from 7-27 November, 2017.
  • Panthoi Chongtham (MBA- Agri Business student) received Best Poster Award for her paper ‘Performance of sericulture industry in Manipur’ at the Research Conclave’17, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati in 2017 under my guidance.
  • Junior Coach of one of the five winning teams of ‘Business model development competition’ in Impact Week Northeast India 2018, organized by Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship in support of Lufthansa, help alliance and SAP.
  • Received Young Scientist Award 2019 from Kalash Research and Welfare Society, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh.
  • Hemangee Das (MBA- Agri Business student) received Best Paper Award for her paper ‘Sustainable livelihood generation through production and marketing of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) in Jorhat district of Assam, India’ at the Research Conclave’19, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati in 2019 under my guidance.
  • Pithunglo L. Kikon (MBA- Agri Business student) received Best Paper presentation award for her paper ‘Business performance evaluation of rural haats in Nagaland’ in Regional Seminar of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (ISAE) on ‘Perspectives of horti-business in development of North Eastern region’ organized at College of Horticulture & Forestry, CAU, Pasighat, A.P. organized during 24-25 February, 2020 under my guidance.
  • Rajkumari Rameshori Devi (MBA – Agri Business student) received Best Paper presentation award for her paper ‘Status and prospects of Pineapple and Mandarin Orange in Manipur, India’ in Regional Seminar of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (ISAE) on ‘Perspectives of horti-business in development of North Eastern region’ organized at College of Horticulture & Forestry, CAU, Pasighat, A.P. organized during 24-25 February, 2020 under my guidance.
  • Received financial assistance-ship from Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat under World Bank and Indian Council of Agricultural Research funded project on National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) for 3 months Faculty Upgradation Programme at Rutgers University, USA during November, 2019-February, 2020.
  • Received Best Oral Paper award for the paper 'Factors influencing growth, sustainability and success of member-owned businesses: A case study of the largest dairy cooperative in North East India' in 19th Athens-Greece International Conference on Agriculture, Biological and Environmental Sciences organized during 15-17 January, 2020.
  • Received Young Researcher of the Year (2019-20) award in the 19th Athens-Greece International Conference on Agriculture, Biological and Environmental Sciences organized during 15-17 January, 2020.
  • Received Excellence in Teaching Award in the 4th International Conference on ‘Current approaches in agricultural, animal husbandry & allied sciences for successful entrepreneurship’ organized during 13-15 March, 2021.
  • Received Second Best Oral Paper award for the paper ‘Role of members’ participation and satisfaction in cooperative success’ in the 4th International Conference on ‘Current approaches in agricultural, animal husbandry & allied sciences for successful entrepreneurship’ organized during 13-15 March, 2021.
  • Pithunglo L. Kikon (MBA- Agri Business student) received Second Best Poster presentation award for her paper ‘Marketing costs, margin and efficiency of dragon fruit marketing in Nagaland state’ in the 4th International Conference on ‘Current approaches in agricultural, animal husbandry & allied sciences for successful entrepreneurship’ organized during 13-15 March, 2021 under my guidance.
  • Received financial assistance-ship from USDA for attending International Millets Conference 2023 at Gering, Scottsbluff, USA w.e.f. 1-3 August, 2023.
  • Society of Extension Education
    Life Member
  • North East Society for Fisheries and Aquaculture
    Life Member
  • Ministry of Tribal Affairs, ,GoI. sponsored project on "Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) project on “Promotion of Agriculture Centric Sustainable Livelihood Security for Tribal Farmers of Assam” implemented by RARS, North Lakhimpur in Dhemaji District", implemented in 2013.
  • State Innovation & Transformation Aayog (SITA) sponsored project on "Survey of Rural Primary Markets ( Gramin Periodical Haats) in Assam", project cost Rs.14.64 Lakh implemented in 2020.
  • NGO-Bal Raksha Bharat, Save the Children, Ghy sponsored project on "Moving towards a sustainable private sector by creating responsibility business behaviour in tea industry of Assam", project cost Rs.3.278 Lakh implemented in 2019.