General Informations

  • Join Date: 09/07/2011
  • College: College of Agriculture
  • Department: Entomology
  • Office Email: anjumoni.devee[at]

Education Details


Assam Agricultural University


Assam Agricultural University


Assam Agricultural University

Post Doctoral

Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece

Employment History

09-07-2011 - 30-06-2022
Assistant Professor (Stage II)

Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13

30-06-2022 - Till date
Senior Scientist

AICRP on Biological Control, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13

  • i. Late Prof. Md. Sharifullah Memorial Award for Best M.Sc.(Agri) Thesis, 2005-2006 ii. University Merit Scholarship (AAU) from August 1998- July 2008 ( B.Sc., M.Sc & Ph.D) iii. Erasmus Mundus BRAVE Post Doctorate Fellowship from European Commission, 2014 vi. Best Poster Presentation award (3 times), 2015, 2017 & 2019 V. Young Scientist Award 2019 by Agriculture & Environmental Technology Development Society ( AETDS), U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand
  • vi. 2nd position in oral presentation: Studies on efficacy of certain biopesticides against honey beees (Apis cerana F) under laboratory and field condition. Presented in Indian Phytopathological Society- North Eastern Zonal Symposium and National conference, organized by Department of Plant Pathology, AAU, Jorhat, from 24-25 Nov, 2022
  • vii. 2nd position in oral presentation on ' Development of stem borer (Scirpophaga spp.) resistance Keteki Joha Rice variety through Gamma radiation" at " International Conference on Biodiversity, food security, sustainability & climate change", organized by Assam Agricultural University and Prof. H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science, Lucknow, from 25/4/23 to 28/4/23, at AAU, Jorhat
  • viii. 2nd position in oral presentation on '• Bioefficacy of certain insecticides and botanicals against cabbage looper Trichoplusiani(Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) ” authored by ‘Ravishankar G, Anjumoni Devee, Nomi Sarmah, Junmoni Gayon, Ankita Saikia Presented in “Women Scientists in Plant Health Management for Sustainable Development Goals” December 22-23, 2023 at AAU, Jorhat-13, Assam.
  • ix. 2nd position in oral presentation on• ‘Relative abundance and diversity of insect pests and natural enemies in selected Joha rice varieties of Assam’ authored by S.S. Ahmed and Anjumoni Devee, Presented in “Women Scientists in Plant Health Management for Sustainable Development Goals” December 22-23, 2023 at AAU, Jorhat-13, Assam.
  • Agriculture & Environmental Technology Development Society ( AETDS), U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand
    Life Member
  • Entomological society of India
    Annual Member
  • SITA sponsored project on "Up scaling of Livelihood: Implication through Smart Agriculture and Agri-eco-tourism", implemented in 2023.
  • NMPB, AYUSH, Govt. of India sponsored project on "Bio evaluation, identification, quantification of bioactive compounds and development of biopesticides from ethnomedicinal plant extracts against major insect pests of vegetable crops", project cost Rs.27 Lakh implemented in 2024.
  • AAU sponsored project on "Identification of Soil Microfauna for Bioremediation of Pesticide Contaminated Soils of certain vegetables and Tea growing areas of Assam", project cost Rs.17.20 Lakh implemented in 2022.
  • ICAR sponsored project on "AICRP on Biological Control", project cost Rs.1682333 Lakh implemented in 1977.
  • ICAR sponsored project on "AICRP on Biological Control of Crop pests and diseases", implemented in 1987.
  • AAU sponsored project on "Development of plant based insecticidal formulation for management of stored grain pests", project cost Rs.15 Lakh implemented in 2022.
  • RKVY sponsored project on "Establishment of laboratory for analysis of agrochemical residue and Heavy metals", implemented in 2017.
  • BRNS, BARC, Mumbai sponsored project on "BARC-AAU MOU PROJECT (2021-2022) on Biochemical and molecular characterization of stemborer (Scirpophaga incertulus) resistance mutant of Keteki Joha rice", implemented in 2021.
  • BARC-BRNS sponsored project on "Development of stem borer resistant Joha rice variety through mutation breeding", project cost Rs.2891825 Lakh implemented in 2016.