Other Charges:Member Secretary, IPR cell and Member, Internal Complaint Committee, Member AAUTMC
Education Details
AAU, Jorhat, Assam
AAU, Jorhat, Assam
Ph. D.
Assam Agricultural University
Other Qualifications
Dibrugarh University
Other Qualifications
Indian Law Institute
26-10-2016 -
Assistant Professor
AAU, Jorhat
Ritika Chakrabarty; Gargi Sharma; P. K. Barua
Evaluation of cytogenetic effect of pesticides in onion root meristem,
Indian Journal of Horticulture,
Gargi Sharma
Conserving crop wild relatives of north east India for sustainable agriculture,
Gargi Sharma
The Scope for GI Based Branding in Agricultural Products: An Overview,
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development ,
Chayanika Lahkar; Reena P. Borkakati; Gargi Sharma.
Exploitation of Heterosis for Growth and Flowering Traits in Kharif Marigold (Tagetes erecta L. ),
International Journal of Current Microbiology and applied sciences,
Himadri Shekhar Datta; Gargi Sharma; Sarat Sekhar Bora.
Geographical Indications in Horticulture: North East India Perspective,
International Journal of Current Microbiology and applied sciences,
J. Devi; Gargi Sharma
Effect of stage of harvesting on quality and vase life of Phaius tankervillae,
Journal of orchid sociery of India,
J. Devi; Gargi Sharma
Effect of pulsing and storage temperature quality and vase ilife of Phaius tankervilliae,
Journal of orchid sociery of India,
J. Devi; Gargi Sharma
Effect of different harvesting stages and pulsing solution on post harvest quality of cut gladiolus spikes,
Journal of plant science research,
Jintu Das; Gargi Sharma; J. Devi
Effect of coconut water on seeed germination and seedling development of Dendrobium nobile,
Journal of Maharaste Agricultural University,
Jintu Das; Gargi Sharma anf J. Devi
Effect of growth hormones on flowering of Dendrobium nobile,
Orchid news,
Gargi Sharma; J. Devi
Effect of holding solution on post harvest quality of cut tuberose and gladiolus spikes,
Mysore journal of agricultural sciences,
Gargi Sharma
Post harvest handling of commercially important flowers,
Science tech entrepreneur,
R. B. Saikia; Gargi Sharma
Variability study in some exotic maize genotypes,
Indian Journal of hill farming,
Gargi Sharma; R. B. Saikia
Stability analysis for yield and yield attributing characters of baby corn (Zea mays L.),
Indian journal of hill farming,
R Sett; Gargi Sharma
Can Bacillus thuringiensis be introduced in forest tree protection,
Application of improved technologies for affrestation in NE India,
Gargi Sharma; B. K. Dutta; R Sett
Potential of Bacillus thuringiensis sub sp. Kurstaki in protection of Gmelina arborea Roxb.,
Journal of Entomological Research,
Sharma, G. and Barua, P.K.(2018). A manual of patents in India. Directorate of Research, AAU, Jorhat, AAU, Jorhat, Assam
Sharma, K.K. and Sharma, G.(2023). Germplasm exploration and conservation. in : Rice genetic resources of North east India: Collection, conservation and utilization, Barua, P.K. and Das, J. Chetia, S.K.; (Eds), AAU-ARRI,AAU, Titabor- 785630, pp 120-124, ISBN:978-81-962645-0-5.
Sharma, G. and Sharma, K.K.(2023). Geographical Indication (GI): Its importance for conservation of rice varieties and farmers welfare in NE India. in : Rice genetic resources of North east India: Collection, conservation and utilization, Barua, P.K. and Das, J. Chetia, S.K.; (Eds), AAU-ARRI,AAU, Titabor- 785630, pp 129-143, ISBN:978-81-962645-0-5.
Sharma, G. and Sharma, K.K.(2023). Sustainable utilization of plant genetic resources in north east India: An IPR perspective. in : Sustainable Use of Bioresources of north East India, Barua, P.K. and Das, R. Patgiri, P.; Deka, B.; Sarmah, A.K.; (Eds), College of Agriculture, Assam Agricultural University,Jorhat, Assam, pp 450-461, ISBN:978-81-963002-3-4.
Sharma, G. and Sharma, K.K.(2024). Intellectual property rights in modern agricultural innovations: Scope and challanges. in : Smart agriculture: Digital era in farming, Kachari, M. and Dutta, H.S. Sarmah, R.; Boro, R.C.; (Eds), Elite Publishing House,New Delhi-110089, pp 139-148, ISBN:978-93-58996-80-7.
Sharma, G. and Barua, P.K.(2018). Biodiversity, biopiracy and IPR: Issues and challenges in India International Conference on Climate change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture AAU, Jorhat ,AAU,Jorhat, 0 - 0.
Devi, J.(2005). Effect of harvesting stages and holding solutions on cut flowers of Phaius tankervillae World Orchid Conference Dijon, France ,World orchid society,France, 0 - 0.
Sharma, G.()Sarthe Kro: A living encyclopedia of indigenous flora of Karbi Anglong, Assam, IndiaAgrosphrere.5(2),1-2, Vital biotech,
Sharma, G. and Gupta, S.()Geographical Indications: An Intellectual property right for the communityAgrospheres.5(1),10-12, Vital biotech,
Sharma, G.()The 21st century treeAssam Tribune.86(87),1, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Plant of immortalityAssam Tribune.83(68),1, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Sweet steviaAssam Tribune.83(78),4, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Orchid marvelsAssam Tribune.83(67),4, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Tobacco truthsAssam Tribune.79(87),1, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Plastic pollutionAssam Tribune.83(78),3, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()the queen of herbsAssam Tribune.83(143),1, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Garlic WondersAssam Tribune.78(68),3, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Heat stress impact on riceAssam Tribune.83(87),2, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Get that patentAssam Tribune.83(143),1, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Towards developing blue rosesAssam Tribune.86(87),2, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Crime and geneologyAssam Tribune.78(78),2, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Alcoholism in your genes?Assam Tribune.79(68),2, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Brain fingerprinting: A unique technologyAssam Tribune.86(13),2, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Starlight Avatar: First auto-glowing plantAssam Tribune.78(87),2, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Ethnic brews of Assam: Protect, promote and prosperAssam Tribune.80(78),6, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()THE LONELIEST PLANT ON THE EARTHAssam Tribune.7(68),2, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()BIOMIMETICS: MIMICKING NATURE'S DESIGNAssam TrIbune.7(67),2, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Medical Negligence, Law and Our RightsAssam Tribune.7(298),6, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()Dredging and threat to aquatic biodiversityAssam TrIbune.79(67),6, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()GI: Intellectual property of the communitiesAssam Tribune.80(67),6, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()PEOPLE'S BIODIVERSITY REGITSER: AN OVERVIEWAssam Tribune.80(67),6, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()FARMERS' RIGHTS IN INDIAAssam TrIbune.83(143),4, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()COPYRIGHT AND PLAGIARISM IN CYBER AGEAssam Tribune.83(143),6, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G.()WHO OWNS BIODIVERSITY?Assam Trubune.83(143),4, The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Sharma, G. and Sharma, K.K.(2023). Patent: before you publish your works. Assam Agricultural University , Directorate of Research
Sharma, K.K. and Sharma, G.(2022). Judima: A registered GI product of Assam. Assam Agricultural University , Directorate of Research
Sharma, G.; Sharma, K.K. and Kotoki, U.(2022). Kaji nemu: A registered GI product of Assam. Assam Agricultural University , Directorate of Research
Sharma, G.; Barua, P.K. and Sharma, K.K.(2019). Plagiarism: Let us stop it. AAU, Jorhat, AAU, Jorhat
Devi, J. and Sharma, G.(2004). Post harvest handling of cut gladiolus spikes. AAU, Jorhat, AAU, Jorhat
Devi, J. and Sharma, G.(2004). post harvest handling techniques for orchids. AAU, Jorhat, AAU, Jorhat
Devi, J. and Sharma, G.(2004). Singa gladioli phuloor joton (Assamese). AAU, Jorhat, AAU, Jorhat
Devi, J. and Sharma, G.(2004). Singa orchid phuloor joton (Assamese). AAU, Jorhat, AAU, Jorhat