Dibyojyoti Bhattacharjee; Hemanta Saikia; Dhruba Das
Redefining a format-specific batting performance measure in cricket,
Journal of the Operational Research Society,
, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1080/01605682.2025.2462199
Bireshwar Bhattacharjee; Dibyojyoti Bhattacharjee; Hemanta Saikia; Bishweshwar Bhattacharjee
An Improved Point System for Cricket’s World Test Championship,
Management and Labour Studies,
, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1177/0258042X241264929
Anirban Dutta; Hemanta Saikia; Jonali Gogoi; Dibyojyoti Bhattacharjee
Forecasting the opening goal in second‑half of a football match: Bayesian and frequentist perspectives,
Computational Statistics,
, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-024-01558-2
Rekhankona Pegu; Nayan Jyoti Ojha; Mahima Begum; Kalyan Pathak; Perves Ahmed; Hemanta Saikia
Enhancement of Productivity of Late Sown Rapeseed (Brassica campestris var toria) Through Sulfur and Boron Application Under Rice-Fallow System of Assam,
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,
, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2024.2380775
Lohita Rabha; Utpal Barman; Hemanta Saikia; Ramen Kumar Sarma; Sajib Barua
Sustainable Interventions for Improving Food Security among Tribal Communities in Bodoland Territorial Region,
Journal of Scientific Research and Reports,
, DOI : 10.9734/jsrr/2024/v30i31860
Priyanka Das; Surajit Kalita; Pulin Patgiri; Bhaswati Sarmah; Khanin Pathak; Hemanta Saikia
Physico-chemical basis of insect-resistance of traditional rice varieties against Sitophilus oryzae (L.),
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge,
, DOI : 10.56042/ijtk.v23i7.2478
Purna Chandra Padhan; Hemanta Saikia; Dibyojyoti Bhattacharjee
Impact of Ageing on the Performance of Cricketers: Evidence from Indian Premier League,
Gujarat Journal of Statistics and Data Science,
Rabijita Buragohain; Hemanta Saikia; Dhruba Das
Trend Analysis and Change Point Detection of Winter Rice in North Bank Plains Zone (NBPZ) of Assam: A Non-parametric Approach,
Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis,
, DOI : 10.1285/i20705948v16n2p311
Nilutpal Saikia; Roshmi Borah Dutta; Hemanta Saikia
Impact of natural enemies and meteorological factors on papaya mealybug (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in mulberry,
International Journal of Pest Management,
, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1080/09670874.2022.2164091
Udangshree Borah; Rimki Baruah; Sahijul Islam; Abhijit Borah; Ananta Saikia; Robin Boro; Hemanta Saikia; Srikanth Mutnuri; Anasuya Ganguly; Rinku Baishya; Laksh
Whey fortified ready-to-reconstitute elephant apple (Dillenia Indica) juice powder: Methodical optimization, micro-structural and In vitro digestion analyses,
Journal of Food Technology Research,
, DOI : 10.18488/jftr.v9i1.2927
Dipanka Bora; Hemanta Saikia
Symbolic Data Analysis vs Classical Data Analysis: A Comparative Study,
Statistics and Applications,
Dhruba Das; Hemanta Saikia; Dibyajyoti Bora; Dibyojyoti Bhattacharjee; Jondeep Das
A Survival Analysis Approach for Identifying the Risk Factors in Time to Recovery of COVID-19 Patients using Cox Proportional Hazard Model,
Decision Analytics Journal,
, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dajour.2022.100137
Dhruba Das; Hemanta Saikia; Dibyojyoti Bhattacharjee
Optimal Playing Strategies of a Batsman Against Bowling Type in Limited Over Cricket: An Application of Game Theory,
Communication in Statistics: Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications,
, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1080/23737484.2022.2133027
Nishigandha Kakati; Rajib Lochan Deka; Parishmita Das; Jogesh Goswami; Punya Gogoi Khanikar; Hemanta Saikia
Forecasting yield of rapeseed and mustard using multiple linear regression and ANN techniques in the Brahmaputra valley of Assam, North East India,
Theoretical and Applied Climatology,
, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-022-04220-3
Dhruba Das; Hemanta Saikia; Dibyojyoti Bhattacharjee; Bhaskar Kushvaha
On Estimating Shot Selection by a Batsman in Twenty20 Cricket: A Probabilistic Approach,
Communication in Statistics: Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications,
, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1080/23737484.2021.2017809
R. R. Borah; M. Saikia; H. Saikia; A. Borgohain; R. B. Dutta
Seasonal variation in larval growth of Eri silkworm (Samia ricini Boisduval) reared on two Ailanthus species,
Environment Conservation Journal,
, DOI : https://doi.org/10.36953/ECJ.2021.221228
A. K. Borthakur; I. Gogoi; D. K. Saikia; P. D. Nath; H. Saikia
Ovipositional preference of Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) on pods of different host plants,
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies,
, DOI : NA
H. Saikia
Quantifying the current form of cricket teams and predicting the match winner,
Management and Labour Studies,
, DOI : 10.1177/0258042X20912603
S. T. Tsigbey; H. Saikia; P. Mishra; R. S. Saikia
Classifying the states of India through Rice, Wheat and Groundnut using Statistical Graphics,
International Journal of Agriculture Sciences,
, DOI : NA
A. Gogoi; U. K. Sahoo; H. Saikia
Vegetation and ecosystem carbon recovery following shifting cultivation in MizoramManipur-Kachin rainforest eco-region, Southern Asia,
Ecological Processes,
, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-020-00225-w
L. Teronpi; M. Saikia; A. Th. Singha; S. Kalita; H. Saikia
Impact of mating duration on larval growth of erisilkworm, Samia ricini Donovan in autumn and spring season,
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies,
, DOI : NA
Sundar Barman; P. K. Neog; P. K. Pathak; Prasanta Mishra; Hemanta Saikia
Adoption Consistency of Climate Smart Agriculture Practices among Farmers of Vulnerable Areas to Flood in Assam,
Indian Research Journal of Extension Education,
H. Saikia; D. Bhattacharjee
Survival ability of Indian and overseas batsmen on the cricket pitch in Indian premier league,
MOJ Sports Medicine,
, DOI : 10.15406/mojsm.2018.02.00057
D. Bhattacharjee; H. H. Lemmer; H. Saikia; D. Mukherjee
Measuring performance of batting partners in limited over cricket,
South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation,
, DOI : https://hdl.handle.net/10520/EJC-129341da28
D. Bhattacharjee; H. Saikia
An objective approach of balanced cricket team selection using binary integer programming method,
OPSEARCH: Journal of the Operational Research Society of India,
, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s12597-015-0228-3
H. Saikia; D. Bhattacharjee; U. K. Radhakrishnan
A new model for player selection in cricket,
International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport,
, DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/24748668.2016.11868893
M. Choudhury; R. Singh; H. Saikia
Measuring customer experience in bancassurance: An empirical study,
, DOI : http://hrcak.srce.hr/file/236645
H. Saikia; D. Bhattacharjee; A. Bhattacharjee; H. H. Lemmer
Longitudinal linear mixed effect model: An application in analyzing age effects in Twenty20 cricket,
Thailand Statistician,
, DOI : https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/thaistat/
Baruah, R.; Kalita, H.K.; Buragohain, R.; Mondal, S.; Saikia, H. and Ahmed, H.(2023). Question Bank on Social Sciences. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, India, ISBN:978-93-5540-504-3
Buragohain, R. and Saikia, H.(2023). Method of Three Selected Points to Fit Growth Curves in the Absence of Sufficient Cross-Sectional Data. in : Current Research in Statistics and Allied Sciences, Das, D. and Mahanta, K.K. (Eds), Department of Statistics,Dibrugarh University, pp 42-48, ISBN:978-81-951950-6-0.
Bora, D. and Saikia, H.(2022). Application of Symbolic Data Analysis in Agricultural Sciences. in : Advanced Statistical Methods for Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Hooda, E. and Kumar, J. Hooda, B.K.; Verma, D.; (Eds), New Delhi Publishers,New Delhi, India, pp 1-20, ISBN:978-93-92513-20-6.
Gayan, A.J.(2023). Interval Estimation for Decision Making in the Crop Yield of Assam.M.Sc. thesis submitted to Department of Agricultural Statistics, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13
Thakur, A.(2022). Trends and Prospects of Female Labour Force Participation Rate in Agricultural Sector and Its Linkage with Fertility in Assam.M.Sc. thesis submitted to Agricultural Statistics, Assam Agricultural University, Barbheta, AAU, Jorhat-785013
Buragohain, R.(2021). Impact of Weather Parameters on Winter Rice Productivity in North Bank Plains Zone of Assam.M.Sc. thesis submitted to Agricultural Statistics, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013
Tsigbey, S.T.(2020). Classifying the States of India through Rice, Wheat, and Groundnut using Statistical Graphics.M.Sc. thesis submitted to Agricultural Statistics, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013
Ananth, R.(2019). Regional Disparities of Selected Fruit Crops in Tamil Nadu.M.Sc. thesis submitted to Agricultural Statistics, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013
Bora, D.(2019). Symbolic Data Analysis: A New Approach of Analyzing Complex Data.M.Sc. thesis submitted to Agricultural Statistics, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013
Mahanta, N.(2018). Role of Rural Women in Agriculture Sector in Jorhat District.M.Sc. thesis submitted to Agricultural Statistics, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013
Devi, C.G.(2017). Analysis of Growth on Area and Production of Pineapple and Orange in Manipur.M.Sc. thesis submitted to Agricultural Statistics, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013
Dutta, L.C.; Saikia, M.; Hazarika, M.; Borgohain, A.; Borah, D.; Saikia, H.; Das, A.; Sonowal, P. and Sinha, A.(2019). Training Manual on Scientific Silkworm Rearing & Silk Processing (In Assamese). College of Sericulture, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Baruah, S.; Saikia, H. and Paswan, R.P.(2018). Practical Manual on Elementary Statistics and Computer Application for Course No. BSC (STAT)-113. Department of Agricultural Statistics, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013
Received an appreciation letter along with a cash award from the Dean, FA, AAU to develop an official logo for College of Sericulture, Titabar, AAU, Jorhat (2017).
Visiting Fellow under UGC, SAP(DRS-I) in the Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam to deliver lectures on the use of Statistics and Statistical Software in Social Science Research (2019).
Visiting Lecturer (online) in 3 in 1 program of Industrial Statistics-I in the Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia (2021).
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal entitled "Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Biostatistics" (2022)
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal entitled "SN Business & Economics" (2022)
Indian Bayesian Society (IBS)
Life Member
Indian Association of Social Sciences and Health (IASSH)
Life Member
North Eastern Economic Association (NEEA)
Life Member
Assam Agricultural University sponsored
project on
"Improved Spinning Type Water Remover in Green Tea Manufacturing",
project cost Rs.602460 Lakh
implemented in 2023.
ICAR, New Delhi sponsored
project on
"Sustainable Security of Tribal Communities of Assam through Sericulture Centric Promotional Activities under Tribal Sub Plan",
project cost Rs.19.9 Lakh
implemented in 2018.