Fisheries Research Centre
The Assam Agricultural University had initiated fisheries research way back in 1974 through implementation of an ICAR ad-hoc scheme under the Dept. of Entomology (erstwhile Dept. of Zoology) of the Faculty of Agriculture. In 1982 a separate wing for fisheries research was created under the Directorate of Research (Agri.) by establishing the Fisheries Research Unit, presently the Fisheries Research Centre (FRC) at the University headquarters at Jorhat, Assam. As per the decision of the Academic Council of the University, the FRC was transferred to the Directorate of Research (Veterinary) in January 2024.
The mandates of the FRC are:
- To generate technologies for increasing fish production and conservation of aquatic biodiversity of the state.
- To disseminate generated technologies to the end users through extension machineries of the University and the Govt. of Assam.
- To impart fisheries education to bonafide students and entrepreneurs.
- To provide support services for development of fisheries in the stare.
On Going
GIZ sponsored project on
"Assessment of Agro-ecology-based cropping systems and natural bio-inputs for soil health improvement and product quality enhancement in Assam",
sponsored project on
"Induced breeding technology of Anabas testudineus",
IIT sponsored project on
"Design Innovation Centre (DIC) project on Development of automatic fish seed grader cum counter", project cost Rs.6.00 Lakh
Revolving fund of FRC, AAU sponsored project on
"Development of Low cost Aquaponics model as a component of integrated poultry fish farming system",
NPFR (DoR Vety) sponsored project on
"Complimentories of Livestock fish farming system- with particular reference to Goat-fish farming", implemented in 2011.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
RKVY sponsored project on
"Advanced breeding of carps through enhancement of environmental temperature by using UV stabilized LDPE film", implemented in 2011.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
RKVY sponsored project on
"Technology show casing on integrated three tier poultry-pig-fish farming system", implemented in 2011.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
ICAR sponsored project on
"AICRP on Integrated Farming System", implemented in 2008.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
DBT/ Ministry of Science &Technology, GoI sponsored project on
"DBT’s Bioresource Complex for women", implemented in 2006.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
ICAR sponsored project on
"Studies on herbicide persistence in water (AICRP on Weeds)", implemented in 2006.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
AACP/ World Bank sponsored project on
"Utilization of homestead ponds for culture of small fish species", implemented in 2006.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
AACP, World Bank ( ATMA) sponsored project on
"Adaptive trial on Fishery", implemented in 2006.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
DARE/ ICAR sponsored project on
"Seed Production of Cat fish (magur) under the project “Seed production in Agricultural crops & Fisheries”.", implemented in 2006.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
ARIASP (World Bank) sponsored project on
"Farmers participatory small scale aquacultural research and extension in tribal village of Amsoi.", implemented in 1999.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
ARIASP (World Bank) sponsored project on
"Aquacultural skill development of NGOs in Assam", implemented in 1999.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
ARIASP (World Bank) sponsored project on
"Intensive culture of carps.", implemented in 1997.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
ARIASP (World Bank) sponsored project on
"Production potentialities of modified semi-intensive culture and integrated rice-fish and fish-livestock farming technology", implemented in 1997.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
ARIASP (World Bank) sponsored project on
"Low cost technologies for transport of brood fish and fish seed using herbal anesthetics.", implemented in 1997.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
ARIASP (World Bank) sponsored project on
"Propagation and intensive rearing of magur and singi under the climatic conditions of Assam", implemented in 1997.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
ARIASP (World Bank) sponsored project on
"Formulation of fish feed with reference to situational factors in Assam", implemented in 1997.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
ARIASP (World Bank) sponsored project on
"Propagation and culture of some indigenous fish species of Assam", implemented in 1997.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
ARIASP (World Bank) sponsored project on
"Pilot project on techno-economic viability of desilting of beels", implemented in 1997.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
ARIASP (World Bank) sponsored project on
"Farming system Research", implemented in 1997.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
ICAR sponsored project on
"Improved technology of synchronous rice fish farming", implemented in 1996.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Bibha Chetia Borah)
1. Semi- intensive culture of carps
Location specific technology for Semi- intensive culture of composite carp involving modification of species composition and stocking time, fertilization and liming schedule and use of stunted yearling was developed. The yield potential of the technology is above 4000 kg/ha/year.
2. Post monsoon culture of carps
technology is developed foe the flooded effected ponds of the state, which
otherwise remain fallow. This involved nutrient management and rearing of cold
and turbidity tolerant species for short period. This technology has a yield
potential of about 1500 kg/ha/year.
3. Development of low-cost carp hatchery model
The carp Hatchery- AAU model is an innovative
model of carp hatchery developed by the Fisheries Research Centre, Assam
Agricultural University, Jorhat in 1995. This hatchery is suitable for medium
scale operation with capacity around 20 lakh spawn per operation. Initially
this carp hatchery was named as BBL-95 carp hatchery. Which was subsequently
known as AAU Model Hatchery after improvisation and incorporation of an
additional hatching pool in 2011. The performance of the hatchery has been
continuously studied by the centre since 1996 for its commercial application
and is found to be very efficient in terms of operational cost, production,
management, and overall economics. The hatchery model has been established in
several part of the state and has been running successfully.
4. Integrated pig-fish farming
for direct integration of fish farming with pig husbandry was developed for
Assam Condition. Pigsty was designed for facilitating easy drainage of waste
material to the pond, constructed using locally available material like bamboo
and thatch with PCC floor.
5. Integrated fish duck farming
Technology for direct integration of fish farming with duck raising was developed for Assam Condition. Duck house was designed facilitating construction using locally available material like bamboo and thatch etc.
6. Integrated fish poultry farming
Technology for direct integration of fish
farming with poultry (both broiler and layer variety) farming was developed for
Assam Condition. Poultry house was designed facilitating direct use of poultry
dropping as manure. In addition to low-cost poultry house (constructed with
bamboo and thatch) concrete structure also recommended for longer life, easy
operation and overall higher economic return on long run.
7. Three tier integrated fish- pig- poultry farming
for three tier integration of fish farming, poultry farming and pig husbandry
was developed for Assam Condition. Two tier houses for keeping poultry
(up-stair) and pig (down-stair), was designed usually locally available
material like bamboo and thatch with PCC floor. This system involves 100%
ration to the poultry stock, use of poultry waste (dropping and left over feed)
as 40% supplement to the pig stock and use of pig dropping as manure to the
pond. This is an excellent example of efficient recycling of farm waste while
reducing the production cost of commodities and increasing overall farm income.
8. Rice fish farming
technology for integration of fish farming with rice cultivation under
perennial, synchronous, and enclosure system was developed. Under perennial
system integration of two crops of rice i.e. Ahu (Winter) and Sali
(Sumer) and one crop of fish is done throughout the year. The system is
suitable for very low-lying areas.
ü Under
synchronous system integration of one crop of rice i.e.
Sali (Summer) and one crop of fish is done during only summer season. The
system is suitable for medium low-lying area.
ü Under
enclosure system one crop of deep-water paddy (Bao) and
one crop of fish is integrated during summer season. Enclosure was designed by
using locally available material for protecting the fish crop. The system is
suitable for typical deep-water condition. Suitable rice species were also
identified for different system.
9. Fish cum horticulture/plantation crop/ forage crop farming
horticultural/ plantation crops for raising in integration with fish farming
were identified and economics was projected. Different model was developed
incorporating different horticulture/ plantation crop on the basis of available
land and other criteria.
10. Fish cattle framing
Low-cost technology for management of cross
breed dairy cattle along with fish pond and fodder crop was developed. This
technology can yield at least 3500 kg fish besides increasing milk production
through feeding milch cow with nutrient rich fodder grown on pond embankment
and adjoining areas.
11. Prophylaxis and treatment of EUS
Low-cost prophylactic measures against Epizootic
Ulcerative Syndrome were developed and treatment of EUS using locally available
agent like potassium permanganate and copper sulphate is recommended with early
detection of the disease.
12. Selection of pesticide for application in integrated rice- fish system
OP compounds were found safe for fish and
consumers when applied in rice-fish system in recommended dose foe control of
different pest in rice farming.
13. Therapeutic measures against common disease
A package of therapeutic measure for prevention
and treatment of common disease of farmed fish in NE region was developed.
14. High-density intensive carp farming
Technology for intensive farming with stocking density and mechanical aeration and
balanced feeding has been evolved with a production potentiality of 15,000
15. Induced breeding of magur
Technology for induced breeding of magur was
developed with suitable modification of simplification to meet the requirement
of the farmers. Induced breeding and seed production of magur is going on in
the centre since 2006-07, which benefitted the farming community immensely.
16. Induced breeding and rearing of Cheni puthi
Technology for induced breeding and rearing of
indigenous minor carp Cheni puthi (Puntius sarana sarana) was developed.
The technology involves administration of inducing hormone along with
manipulation of environmental condition followed by incubation of adhesive eggs
and nursing of spawn under controlled condition. Efficiency of the species as a
component of composite carp culture was also studied.
17. Induced breeding of Singi
Technology for induced breeding of singi (Heteropneustes fossilis) was
developed. This technology involves spawning of singi in plastic through
hormone injection followed by incubation and hatching in jar hatchery and
nursing in FRP tank.
18. Formulated feed for carps
Two formulae for manufacturing of balanced diet
of carps from locally available ingredients are developed. One formula was
transferred to a local entrepreneur who had been commercially manufacturing the
feed under the trade name Balichanda. Fisheries Research Centre, AAU,
Jorhat has been manufacturing another balanced feed for carps since year 2003
under the trade name of Sushama. The feed with 28-30% protein component
has been becoming popular among the fish framers of Assam and other state of
N.E region.
19. Identification of indigenous plants with anaesthetic property.
Twenty-three plants having
piscicidal/anaesthetic properties were identified based on the indigenous
traditional knowledge and practices of different tribes/communities of the
state. Their efficiency as an anaesthetic agent for transportation of fish seed
and brood fish was also assessed.
20. Identification of constraints for development of aquaculture in the state.
Basic factors pertaining to ecology and pond
management practices, which are responsible for slow growth of aquaculture in
the state, were identified through an extensive survey at VLEW Eleka level.
21. Silt sampler
A silt sampler was developed for collection of
silt sample from beels for studying soil profile and physico-chemical
properties of silts.
22. Pond aerator
A fountain type pond was developed for
enhancement of dissolved oxygen content in high- density carp farming.
23. Production of Eco-hybrid seeds of carps
Inbreeding depression has caused major
impediment in development of pond aquaculture in the state. To redress this
constraints FRC developed Eco hybrid seed production technology by mating pond
raised carp females with males from wild or extraneous stock or vice versa.
This technology exhibited 28% higher survival of juvenile and 14% higher
24. Utilization of small homestead pond for culture of small fish species
Technology for utilization of small homestead
ponds (100-200 sqm, not suitable for carp culture) available in rural areas for
culture of small commercially important fish species viz. Amblypharyngodon
mola, Notopterus notopetrus & Mystus vittatus was developed under World
Bank funded project.
25. Induced breeding of Mystus vittatus
Successful induced breeding of Mystus
vittatus was done by administering synthetic hormone Ovaprim @3ml/kg body
weight for female and 1 ml/kg body weight in case of male in a single dose.
26. Performance of Guppy as biological agent for mosquito control
Detail study on the performance of Guppy (Poecilia
reticulata) for biological control of mosquito including its breeding
behaviour, survival and growth under the agro-climatic condition of Assam has
been conducted.
27. Performance of Puntius sarana as a component of composite carp culture
The indigenous minor carp, Puntius sarana
was incorporated in composite culture system with carps in place of common
carp, for its omnivorous and bottom dwelling habit. Performance of Puntius
sarana indicated that this species is a potential candidate for
composite fish farming with carp.
28. Performance of Labeo calbasu and Labeo gonius as component of composite fish culture.
Study was done on the performance in indigenous
minor carp Labeo calbasu and Labeo gonius as a component of composite
carp culture was observed that both the species are compatible to other carp
components. Incorporation of these species makes the system more economically
viable as these species fetch higher market prices in comparison to exotic
carps in the state.
29. Advance breeding of carps using UV stabilized polyhouse
Unavailability of fingerlings during proper time
of stocking (March-April) is a major constraint for development of aquaculture
sector in Assam. A project on advance breeding of cultivable carps was
initiated in 2013 under RKVY with an objective to advance the gonadal maturity
through enhancing ambient temperature and photoperiod during winter months by
using poly house made of UV stabilized LDPE film. Gonadal maturation of major
and minor carps could be advanced by two months. Success in advanced breeding
during Jan-Feb been achieved in case of minor carps viz. Labeo gonious and
Labeo calbasu.
30. Refinement of breeding technology of magur
The conventional magur breeding technology has
been modified to make it more profitable and farmers’ friendly by way of
refining the dry fertilization method where in the males are kept alive in lieu
of sacrificing them, feeding plankton and other live feed during larval and
juvenile stage in lieu of artificial feed.
31. Recording self-healing capacity of magur
Amazing self-healing capacity of magur (Clarias
magur) has been recorded after careful dissection of the male fish and
taking out the tests, without giving any treatment. The finding has been
published in an international journal. This is the first report of its kind.
Study on regeneration of testes is going on at the centre.
32. Goat-fish farming
Goat dung is an excellent manure for
agricultural crops. However, its use in aquaculture has not been popular. To
study the efficacy of goat manure in fish farming a project has been conducted
under NPFR component of AAU. Under this project, the quantity of goat manure to
be applied for optimum production and water quality management, number of goats
to be reared for direct integration etc. were calculated.
33. Fishery based integration farming model.
Fishery based integrated farming model
incorporating different Live-stock, Horticultural crops, Azolla, Vermicompost
etc. with high B:C ratio and with higher rate of recycling of bio-waste,
utilization of available land, water and manpower has been developed and
demonstrated at FRC farm.
34. Aquaponics
Low-cost aquaponics model has been developed for
incorporation with livestock fish farming system. Nutrient rich water from
livestock fish farming pond is recycled through a sand gravel media for
filtration. Horticultural crops are grown in sand gravel media by using
nutrient from recycled pond water.
35. Induced breeding of Anabas testudineus.
A low cost induced breeding implement was
developed to perform induced breeding of Kawoi (Anabas testudineus). The induced
breeding of Kawoi was successfully conducted and concrete hatchery was
developed for kawoi spawn production.