Directorate of Research (Vety.)
With the establishment of Assam Agricultural University in the year 1969, an office of the Associate Director of Research was created in the Khanapara campus to administer and coordinate Veterinary Research. Subsequently, in the year 1989, the post of Associate Director of Research (Veterinary) was upgraded to Director of Research (Veterinary) by an amendment of the AAU Act 1968 and a separate Directorate of Research (Veterinary) was established to facilitate administration, coordination and growth of research specific to the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary sector. Besides, externally funded research projects, two research stations namely 1) AAU-Zonal Livestock Research Station, Mondira and 2) AAU-Goat Research Station, Burnihat were placed under the administrative control of the Director of Research (Veterinary). In the year 1988, the Directorate of Research (Veterinary) was entrusted with the additional responsibility of organizing and coordinating research in the fisheries sector. Fishery Research under this Directorate is conducted primarily at College of Fisheries, AAU, Raha and Fisheries Research Centre, AAU, Jorhat. Besides, research activities on fisheries are also conducted at AAU-ZLRS, Mandira as one of its components.
Present activities:
At present, there are a total of 57 (fifty seven) ongoing research projects under the Directorate. Under the livestock sector, there are 53 (fifty three) ongoing research projects, while under the fisheries sector, there are 4 (four) ongoing projects being implemented at College of Fisheries, AAU, Raha. Besides, the Directorate is also administering and coordinating 6 (six) Corpus Fund Projects. The Directorate has also been conducting TSP/SCSP/RKVY Projects in collaboration with the outstations, KVKs, NGOs, and the State Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Dept., Govt. of Assam.
In the year 1966, the first externally funded research project was implemented at Faculty of Veterinary Science as per the available records. A total of 167 (one hundred and sixty seven) research projects funded by various agencies have been completed so far under this Directorate.
On Going
ICAR sponsored project on
"AICRP on Poultry Breeding",
State Innovation and Transformation Aayog (SITA),Govt. of Assam sponsored project on
"Samriddhi Poultry-II", project cost Rs.60 Lakh
Ministry of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Govt of India sponsored project on
"Pashudhan Jagruti Abhiyan", project cost Rs.17.50 Lakh
AAU funded competitive projects (R&D) sponsored project on
"Development of designer eggs for boosting layer industry and entrepreneurship development in North East region .", project cost Rs.25.00 Lakh
State Innovation and Transformation Aayog, Govt of Assam sponsored project on
"Integrated Approaches for Women Empowerment Adopting Scientific Organised Goat Farming for Livelihood Enhancement"", project cost Rs.90.09 Lakh
PPP mode sponsored project on
"AAU-Poultry Disease Diagnosis, Research and Consultancy Service (PDRC), PPP Model Project, AAU, Khanapara", project cost Rs.15.00 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Generation and Evaluation of a live vectored vaccine against porcine circo virus infection of swine.", project cost Rs.28 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Validation and field testing of DIVA tests developed in ADMaC Phase-1 project for surveillance of Brucellosis in North Eastern region of India.", project cost Rs.27 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Validation, regulatory compliance and translation of Vaccine and Molecular Diagnostics for Duck Plague", project cost Rs.68 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Upgradation and Implementation of knowledge based system (KBS) in NER of India (An extended activity of Advance Animal Disease Diagnosis and Managemen", project cost Rs.37 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"SWINOSTICS : A platform for development and validation of diagnostics of important pig pathogens in NE Region of India for commercial exploration.", project cost Rs.60 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Modelling of indigenous diagnostics and immune potent vaccine candidates to combat African Swine Fever in India", project cost Rs.71 Lakh
SITA, Govt. of Assam sponsored project on
"“Samriddhi poultry” An innovative approach for Economic empowerment of rural women of assaam through model egg village ", project cost Rs.150 Lakh
DBT, New Delhi sponsored project on
"Establishment of a Consortium for one health to Zoonotic and Transboundary Diseases in India, including the Northeast Region", project cost Rs.27809560 Lakh
DCFR sponsored project on
"Species and stock validation of Mahseer- Tor & Neolissochilus from central & Eastern Himalayan Region of India for its propagation & conservation", project cost Rs.9 Lakh
ICMR sponsored project on
"Prevalence and Drivers of Selected Zoometric Pathogens and use of Antimicrobials in Livestock Farms of North Eastern Region : A Mixed Method Study", project cost Rs.45 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Indigenous Development of a new Suture Mediated closure Device for Closure of Arterial Access site to achieve instant Haemostasis following catheter A", project cost Rs.1 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Development of Sustainable Rural Livelihood Options through Hygienic Fish Drying Activities by Establishment of technology Demonstration Centre", project cost Rs.58 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Farmers friendly innovative mechanical devices for boosting profitable pig production and improving animal welfare in rural North Eastern States of In", project cost Rs.16 Lakh
DLMC, Govt. of Assam sponsored project on
"Women Empowerment through Scientific Rearing of Superior Goat", project cost Rs.5 Lakh
RKVY sponsored project on
"Establishment of Duck Breeding Farm for production of day old ducklings”", project cost Rs.95.00 Lakh
National Mission on Himalayan Studies (NMHS), Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India. sponsored project on
"Assessment of Environment, Health and Ichthyofaunal Biodiversity of Tirap and Tissa Rivers of Arunachal Pradesh and Promotion of Fish Centric Suppleme", project cost Rs.65 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Molecular Epidemiology of Canine Tuberculosis in Assam, Neighbouring States and its Containment.", project cost Rs.33 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Biotechnological Interventions to augment productive performance of pigs on horticultural by-product based diet”", project cost Rs.33 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Strategic inclusion of different varieties of dietary nano-iron and Zinc particles for better health and production of designer meat”", project cost Rs.42 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Refinement of Process Protocol for Preparation of traditional fermented fish products of North East India by using biotechnological tools and its Proc", project cost Rs.40 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"An integrated omics approach characterize circulating Newcastle disease virus and intervention strategies to control Newcastle disease in North East I", project cost Rs.44 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Species identification of wild herbivores based on molecular, microscopic and ultra structural characterization of hair samples.", project cost Rs.44 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Understanding the aetiology of infertility associated with prolonged follicle dominance in bovine and its therapeutic management. ", project cost Rs.45 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Genetic Characterization of Antibiotic Resistance Clostridium Perfringens and Clostridium Difficile, and their Public Health Importance", project cost Rs.56 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Regulation of Corpus Lutenum function by locality produced angiogenic growth factors in pigs (Sus scrofa)", project cost Rs.97 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Evaluation of neuroprotective potential of selected phytoconstituents on experimental diabetic neuropathy: focus on mitochondrial function and mitocho", project cost Rs.40 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"DBT Multi Institutional Project “Molecular platform for epidemiology, disease mapping and development of diagnostics for economically important diseas", project cost Rs.11 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Analysis of Gut Management of Duck (Anas Platyrhynchos) with Special reference to Identification of Bacteria having Probiotic Potential", project cost Rs.11 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Genetic up-Breeding of duck production to strengthen livelihood security in NER of India by converging conventional and molecular techniques", project cost Rs.56 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Value chain on Processing of Novel Duck Meat and Egg Products under Existing Farming System of NER for Enterpreurship Development", project cost Rs.50 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Development of DIVA Diagnosis and Marker Vaccine Against Duck Plague Virus", project cost Rs.37 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"An Integrated Approach to explore and exploit the Innate and Adaptive Immune response in Indigenous Duck Breeds of North Eastern and South India", project cost Rs.49 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Attempt to Develop Diagnosis & Preventive Measure for Suspected Fish Viral Disease Encounter in Assam", project cost Rs.7 Lakh
DBT sponsored project on
"Sustainable Livelihood promotion through Integrated Farming System (IFS) in Schedule Tribe (ST) Dominated area of Central Brahmaputra Valley, Assam", project cost Rs.32 Lakh
NFDB sponsored project on
"Refinement of induced breeding ,larval rearing and grow out technology of murrel and dissemination of the technology to the farmers through creation o", project cost Rs.23 Lakh
ICAR sponsored project on
"AICRP on Nutritional and Physiological Approaches for Enhancing Reproductive Performance in Animal", project cost Rs.21 Lakh
NBFGR sponsored project on
"National Surveillance Programme for Aquatic Animal Diseases", project cost Rs.77 Lakh
ICAR sponsored project on
"Veterinary Type Culture ", project cost Rs.2 Lakh
I sponsored project on
"Mega Seed Production of Pig", project cost Rs.64 Lakh
ICAR sponsored project on
"AICRP on Goat Improvement", project cost Rs.53 Lakh
ICAR sponsored project on
"AICRP on Disease Monitoring and Surveillance(PD-ADMAS)", project cost Rs.24 Lakh
ICAR sponsored project on
"Outreach Programme on Ethno Veterinary medicine", project cost Rs.5 Lakh
ICAR sponsored project on
"Outreach programme on Livestock Related Environmental Pollutants, Contaminants & Toxicants (Monitoring of Drug Residues and Environmental Pollutants)", project cost Rs.7 Lakh
ICAR sponsored project on
"Outreach Programme on Zoonotic Diseases", project cost Rs.9 Lakh
ICAR-DPR sponsored project on
"All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Poultry Breeding (Rural Poultry Production)"", project cost Rs.78 Lakh
ICAR sponsored project on
"AICRP on Post Harvest technology( Meat and Meat products)", project cost Rs.177 Lakh
ICAR sponsored project on
"AICRP on epidemiological studies on FMD", project cost Rs.4 Lakh
ICAR sponsored project on
"AICRP on Pigs", project cost Rs.86 Lakh
RKVY sponsored project on
"Study on different models of Integrated Farming System", implemented in 2019.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Mihir Sarma)
ICAR sponsored project on
"Aflatoxin – tolerant duck production through genetic and epigenetic approaches.", implemented in 2017.
DBT sponsored project on
"Characterization of Kisspeptin and KiSS1 gene during reproductive cyclicity and pregnancy in Assam local and crossbred cows", implemented in 2017.
DBT sponsored project on
"Development and evaluation of DIVA based vaccine utilizing an Indian isolate of classical swine fever virus.", implemented in 2017.
DBT sponsored project on
"Sero servellance of Leptospira infection in animals of North Eastern region of India ", implemented in 2017.
DBT sponsored project on
"Exploring selected natural plant sources of North East parts of India as potential therapeutic agents useful for the treatment of cancer", implemented in 2017.
DBT sponsored project on
"Molecular characterization of fecundity genes in Assam Hill Goat ", implemented in 2017.
DBT sponsored project on
" Isolation, characterization and development of a culture method for long term preservation of spermatogonial stem cell from doom pig.", implemented in 2017.
DBT sponsored project on
"Conservation of indigenous pig of Assam through handmade cloning technique ", implemented in 2017.
IBSD sponsored project on
"Study on persistence of Japanese encephalitis in reservoir host pig in JE endemic area of Odisha, Manipur and Assam", project cost Rs.27 Lakh implemented in 2017.
NEC sponsored project on
"Pig Farming through promotion of farmers Producer Organisation, Tamulpur Sub division, Baska (BTAD) District, Assam’", project cost Rs.565 Lakh implemented in 2016.
DBT sponsored project on
"Development of nanoparticle or micro particle adjuvanted subunit oral vaccine against poultry Salmonellosis", implemented in 2016.
DBT sponsored project on
"Epidemiological studies on emerging infectious diseases of elephants (Elephus maximus) with special reference to tuberculosis (TB) and elephant endot", project cost Rs.37 Lakh implemented in 2016.
State Institute of Rural Development, Assam. Khanapara,Guwahati sponsored project on
"Study on Seasonal Influence on Broiler Production Practices, Economics and its Role on Self Employment in 5 Erstwhile BRGF Districts”", project cost Rs.5.00 Lakh implemented in 2016.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Mihir Sarma)
DBT sponsored project on
"DBT-NER Centre for Advanced Animal Disease Diagnosis and Management Consortium (ADMaC)", implemented in 2015.
DBT sponsored project on
"Capacity building and awareness generation for enhanced productivity of pig through assisted reproductive biotechnology and conservation of biodiversi", implemented in 2015.
State Institute of Rural Development, Assam. Khanapara,Guwahati sponsored project on
"Broiler farming: its constraints, solution and economic impact- a field study.", project cost Rs.1.44 Lakh implemented in 2015.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Mihir Sarma)
State Institute of Rural Development, Assam, Khanapara, Guwahati sponsored project on
"Action Research Project on Agriculture and Allied Activities under BRGF.", project cost Rs.33.00 Lakh implemented in 2013.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Mihir Sarma)
State Institute of Rural Development, Assam, Khanapara, Guwahati sponsored project on
"Adaptability of Chara chemballi ducks in lower Assam: Economic and Impact studies", project cost Rs.5.70 Lakh implemented in 2012.
(PI/Co-PI/Associated Scientist : Dr. Mihir Sarma)
Poultry Variety: KAMRUPA
A new variety of dual-purpose chicken “KAMRUPA” has been developed in AICRP on Poultry Breeding, Directorate of Research (Vety.), AAU, Khanapara. The variety was released by the Deputy Director General (AS), Dr. K. M. L. Pathak, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, at College of Veterinary Science, AAU, Khanapara on February 11, 2015 in presence of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Assam Agricultural University Dr. K. M. Bujarbaruah.
Pig Variety : HDK75
A synthetic variety of pig named as HD-K75 (Hampshire Desi-Khanapara 75) has
been developed under the project AICRP on Pig which was released on 14th October,
Breed Registrations : DOOM PIG
Doom’, a native variety of pig of Assam, has been registered as a breed with accession number ‘INDIA_PIG_0200_DOOM_ 09006’ by the Breed Registration Committee of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. The ‘Doom’ pig is the first livestock of Assam ever registered as a breed. The registration certificate of the breed of pig was presented on 23.8.2016 by Secretary of Department of Agricultural Research & Education (DARE) and Director General of ICAR at Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
Breed Registrations : LAKHIMI
Lakhimi, a native variety of Cattle of Assam, has been registered as a breed with accession number ‘INDIA_CATTLE_0200_LUIT_03041’ by the Breed Registration Committee of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. The certificate was formally given on 10th January, 2018.
Breed Registrations : PATI DUCK
Pati Duck, a native variety of Duck of
Assam, has been registered as a breed with accession number ‘INDIA_DUCK_0200_PATI_11001’ by the
Breed Registration Committee of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR), New Delhi. This is the only
recognised breed of duck in entire India.
Breed Registrations : LUIT
Luit, a native variety of Swamp
Buffalo of Assam, has been registered as a breed with accession number ‘INDIA_BUFFALO_0212_LUIT_01014’ by the
Breed Registration Committee of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR), New Delhi. Ceremony for distribution of certificate was held on 12th
December 2018
Breed Registrations : ASSAM HILL
Assam Hill, a native variety of Goat
of Assam, has been registered as a breed with accession number ‘INDIA_GOAT_0213_ASSAMHILL_06031’ by the
Breed Registration Committee of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR), New Delhi. The certificate was
formally handed over to the scientist on 12th December, 2018
Patent granted:
A patent 426/ KOL/2007 was
filled in 20/03/2007 and is granted in December 2015.The patent is for Polyherbal formulation on Wound Healing. The patent was in the name of
Dr Chandana Choudhury Baruah, Dr Apurba Chakraborty , Dr Rajib Sarma, Dr
Animesh Deka, Dr seema Pegu & Dr Ishwar Baruah
Patent Filled:
The method of making calcium phosphate nanoparticle adjuvanted
outer-membrane protein vaccine and poly-lactide co-glycolidemicroparticle
adjuvanted outer-membrane protein vaccine has been sent to the Patent
Facilitation Cell of Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi.
2. A noval polyherbal formulation
with adaptagenic property and a method to prepare the product - submitted to DBT on 22.7.2016
Package of Practices:
The first Package of Practices for livestock was published
during 1989-1990. In 2016 the second package of practices was developed and
released on 27th April, 2016. Now a revised and updated package of
practices is ready for publishing
Pig husbandry is playing an important role in livelihood programme of rural masses. Pig rearing venture is more popular in tribal dominant places of North Eastern India. Farmers in rural areas mostly keep pigs under free-range or scavenging condition. Genetic potentialities of these country pigs are poor in terms of litter size and growth performance. As such genetic improvement is the need of the hour. Artificial insemination is key tool to improve genetic pool of indigenous variety so as to add value to the pig production industry. However, this innovative technology is facing a hurdle in carrying semen from processing unit to the end user level. The semen collected from a highly potential boar needs to be carried in a controlled temperature to restore viability of spermatozoa. Thus newly designed Piggy flask under the DBT-NECBH project on “Farmers’ friendly innovative mechanical devices for boosting profitable pig production and improving animal welfare in rural North Eastern States of India” can meet up this urgently felt need of the pig farmers. Viability of spermatozoa maintained at around 17℃ during its transportation period. The sperm will be destroyed if the temperature goes below 14℃ or above 18℃.
The device Piggy Flask works on the principle of the Peltier effect that, when an electric current flows through a circuit comprising dissimilar conductors, thermal energy is absorbed from one junction, and is discharged at the other, making the former cooler. It is designed to carry biological at constant 17oC under un-interrupted battery bakeup upto 5 hours. The primary application is to use for transportation and storage of Boar Semen at controlled temperature (17˚C) without losing biologically active property of Boar Spermatozoa in liquid phase. This device is initially validated at CVSc, Khanapara and validation in other institutes is in process.
As artificial insemination is of great economic value for the pig industry, thus proper development of all supporting tools can be helpful in a great way. Under this project other two items-a). Piggy carrier and b) Multipurpose restraining crate are also developed. The tools like the Piggy carrier can transport pigs in convenient way from one place to another. Development of suitable restraining devices for multipurpose uses can be another innovative means for handling pigs in humane way. Thus proper development of these tools can be a great step forward in the development of the pig industry at rural settings.
Dog Loaf
A Ready-to-Eat convenient food for pet animals particularly Dog and Cat. Product is highly nutritious and has been found to have superior acceptability in field trials.
Chicken Powder
A concentrated form of animal protein available in powder form. It has been fortified with different indigenous herbs to increase its nutritional and functional properties. A highly versatile product which may be relished as a appetizer (chutney) or may be converted into soup/ snacks etc.
Thermostable Live Newcastle Disease Virus Vaccine AAUPSD44C
A group of Scientists from Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University (AAU), Khanapara developed a “Thermostable Live Newcastle Disease Virus Vaccine AAUPSD44C” that could remain effective at ambient temperature without refrigeration. In the glorious history of AAU, this is an achievement for the first time in terms of development of a prophylactic biological against Newcastle disease (Ranikhet disease), one of the most economically important viral diseases of poultry. The team started their work in this direction since 2014. Recently, on January 2023, a Memorandum of Agreement (MoU) has been signed between AAU and Ventri Biologicals Pvt. Ltd., Pune, India (VH group) on technology transfer and validation of the biologicals with an aim to commercialize the same in future. This unique thermostable vaccine will aid in avoiding vaccination failure due to disruption in the maintenance of cold chain of vaccines. It is a great honour and privilege for the team and AAU to have collaboration with the VH group, the largest fully integrated poultry group in Asia. The AAU has transferred the technology to the VH group against an amount of Rs. 10 lakh and 2.5% royalty for five years. This kind of collaboration with such a company with professional and business excellence would be a golden opportunity for AAU to accelerate revenue growth through innovative technology development in future.
Breed Registrations : MANAH BUFFALO
The Manah Buffalo breed from Assam was registered by the ICAR-National Bureau of Animal Genetics Resources (NBAGR) with accession number ‘INDIA_BUFFALO_0200_MANAH_01021’ The certificate was formally given on 17th January, 2025 at NAAS Complex, New Delhi.