General Informations

  • Join Date: 07/11/2008
  • College: Sarat Chandra Sinha College of Agriculture
  • Department: Plant Pathology
  • Office Email: gunadhya.upamanya[at]
  • Other Charges: Programme Officer NSS Unit, In-charge Head Department of Plant Pathologyy

Education Details

B.Sc. (Agri)

B.N. College of Agriculture, Assam Agricultural University

M.Sc. (Agri)

Assam Agricultural University

Ph.D. (Agri)

Assam Agricultural University

Employment History

10-08-1994 - 27-08-1997
Professional Service Representative

Core Healthcare Limited

29-10-1998 - 07-12-2001
Research Associate

Institute Village Linkage Programme, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region

13-12-2001 - 10-07-2007
Instructor (Mushroom Technology)

Agricultural Vocational College, Ministry of Agriculture, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

01-10-2007 - 02-05-2008
Zonal Social Development Coordinator

ARIAS Society, Government of Assam

19-05-2008 - 06-11-2008
Research Associate

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

07-11-2008 - 07-08-2018
Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection)

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Barpeta, Assam Agricultural University

08-08-2018 - Till date
Assistant Professor (S-2), Department of Plant Pathology

SCS College of Agriculture, Assam Agricultural University

01-01-2020 - 31-12-2022
Assistant Professor (S-3), Department of Plant Pathology

SCS College of Agriculture, Assam Agricultural university

01-01-2023 - Till date
Associate Professor, Department of Plant Pathology

SCS College of Agriculture, Assam Agricultural university

  • Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Barpeta (1st January, 2014 to 7th August, 2018) as Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection):

     Besides the involvement in normal duty of KVK (Training, OFT and FLD etc.), successfully engaged and completed the massive seed production programme of paddy var. Ranjit (Technology showcasing programme under Assam Agricultural University) in farmers field of Barpeta district for three consecutive years.
  • SCS College of Agriculture, Dhubri (8th August, 2018 to 31st December, 2019) as Assistant professor (S-2) in the Department of Plant Pathology:

     Besides teaching various courses of Plant Pathology, actively performed the duty of Warden, Boys Hostel, In-charge Head of the Department, Plant Pathology, Teachers In-Charge, Fine Arts, Student Society, SCSCA (2018-19) and Programme Officer, NSS unit of the college.
  • Outstanding PhD thesis award in the field of Plant Pathology from Scientific Education Research Society, Merrut (UP), India on the occasion of 5th International Conference on "Innovative Approaches in Applied Sciences and Technologies" during 3-5 December, 2021 at Babasahed Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow. .
  • Plant Protection Association of India, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad
    Life Member
  • Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Udaipuir
    Life Member
  • Assam Science Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC) sponsored project on "Effect of different bag opening methods of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on growth parameter, yield and Benefit Cost ratio.", project cost Rs.0.35 Lakh implemented in 2020.