General Informations

  • Join Date: 20/06/2013
  • College: Sarat Chandra Sinha College of Agriculture
  • Department: Agricultural Biotechnology
  • Office Email: prasanta.das[at]
  • Other Charges: i/c head Dept. of ABT

Education Details

BSC Agriculture

Assam Agricultural University

MSc Agriculture

Assam Agricultural University

Plant Biology

Chungnam National University

Post Doctoral

Chungnam National University

Other Qualifications

IRRI DBT overseas associatship

Employment History

20-06-2013 - 03-11-2020
Assistant Professor

Department Of Agril Biotechnology

  • BIRAC sponsored project on "EST for evaluation of GE Banana", project cost Rs.48.63 Lakh implemented in 2021.
  • DBT sponsored project on "Development of High yielding, non lodging and biotic resistant varieties of black scented rice of Manipur and Joha rice of assam through biotechnological intervention", project cost Rs.39 Lakh implemented in 2016.
  • DBT sponsored project on "Understanding the Molecular Mechanism of anaerobic germination in hypoxia tolerant rice germplasms of Assam through functional genomics study", project cost Rs.118 Lakh implemented in 2016.
  • DBT sponsored project on "Screening of indigenous rice germplasms of Assam for tolerance to anaerobic condition during germination and marker assisted introgression of trait into elite rice HYV", project cost Rs.63.61 Lakh implemented in 2016.