2.1 Tree improvement
saplings of Gmelina arborea collected
from 19 seed sources were plantain June, 2001. These were collected from six
different sites viz. 4 from Goalpara, 3 from Dudhnoi, 3 from Damara,4 from
Boko,2 from Byrnihat and 3 from Silchar.
source from Byrnihat (AAU 15 & AAU 16) registered 28.98 & 26.89m and
Silchar (AAU 17 & AAU 18) registered 25.86 & 27.67 m tree height
respectively, in 20 yrs old plantation
15, AAU 16, AAU 17 & AAU 18 registered dbh of 45.36, 44.85, 49.99 and 51.48
cm respectively, in 20 years;
18 (Silchar), recorded the highest timber volume of 3.253 m3/tree, biomass of
1789.47 Mg/ha and above ground C stock of 878.15 Mg/ha.
mean height, dbh, timber volume and biomass of 19 sources are presented in Tables5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4.
2.2.1 Acacia mangium based AF system
The maximum plant height (17.57 m), dbh (36.21 cm),
timber volume (472.25 m3/ha), tree biomass (505.13Mg/ha) and above
ground carbon stock (252.56 Mg/ha) was recorded in intercrop plot where tree
spaced at 5 m x 4 m.
The maximum fodder yield of Hybrid napier (52.16
t/ha) was obtained in sole fodder followed by tree spaced at 5 m x 6 m (46.78
t/ha), 5 m x 5 m (40.78 t/ha) and 5 m x 4 m (39.81t/ha), respectively.
The highest increase in OM %, available N in kg/ha,
P2O5 in kg/ha & K2O in kg/ha of 37.76 %,
29.10 %, 30.35 % & 14.71 % respectively over the initial year were recorded
in the intercrop plot of tree& fodder where trees spaced at 5m x 4 m.
Acacia mangium for timber
The average of 73 superior trees attained 26.8m plant height and 42.0 cm
dbh, 9.82m canopy diameter, and 442.14 m33/ha timber volume in 21st
Timber volume and tree biomass of the standing tree were 440.6 m3/ha and
500.2 Mg/ha respectively.
Above ground C stock observed was 248.16 Mg/ha.
Here increase in OM %, available N in kg/ha, P2O5
in kg/ha & K2O in kg/ha of 6.52 %, 32.98 %, 8.62 % 14.78 %
respectively over the initial year.
2.2.3 Jackfruit-based AF
Tree height of 8.98 m was recorded in the intercrop plot whereas it was
8.62 m in tree without crop. The dbh (31.82 cm) of jackfruit was superior in
the intercrop plot in comparisen to sole tree plot (30.28 cm). Timber volume,
tree biomass and above ground C stock for jackfruit was higher in inter-crop
plots, being 61.24 m3/ha, 106.18 Mg/ha, and5and 53.28 Mg respectively. However,
canopy diameter (8.56 m) was higher in sole jackfruit.
Fruit yield of jackfruit was not increase in 18 years of plantation on.
In this agroforestry system increase in OM%, available N in kg/ha, P2O5
in kg/ha & K2Oin kg/ha of 45.24 %, 26.94 %, 25.8 % & 14.54 %
respectively over the initial year were recorded.
2.2.4 Gmelina arborea based Agrisilvicultural
In nearly 6th year plantation maximum tree ht. (7.14 m) collar girth
(32.08 cm) were observed insole tree plot and Cowpea-Toria sequence as
intercrops respectively.
Max canopy diameter (2.98 m) was found in GG-Toria sequence as intercrop.
Max annual increment of tree height (465%), collar girth (382%) and
canopy diameter (264%) recorded in GG-Toria sequence as intercrop.
No remarkable yield reduction of intercrops observed upto 6th of
The highest increase in OM %, available N in kg/ha, P2O5
in kg/ha & K2O in kg/ha of16.92%, 9.86%, 21.86% & 8.82 %
respectively over the initial year were recorded in the intercrop plot of
tree& GG -Toria sequence.
Growth pattern of Melocanna
Ø Muli bamboo attained 13.12 m
in height and1478 cm in girth in 21 years.
Ø The mean yield of matured
bamboo and B:C ratio were 322620 no./ha and 3.46, respectively.
Growth pattern of Bambusa balcooa.
Mean plant height (25.59 m), spread (5.67 m), new culm (23.52 no.), total
culms (149.31 nos.), canopy diameter (15.79 m), biomass (193.67 Mg/ha) and
harvestable yield (1297.69 no./ha) of Bambusa
balcooa was recorded in 14years after plantation.
In the case of Bambusa balcooa, increase in OM%, available N in kg/ha, P2O5
in kg/ha & K2Oin kg/ha of 48.80 %, 16.43 %, 13.86 % & 8.88 %
respectively over the initial year were recorded.
Growth pattern of Bambusa tulda
Mean plant height (18.73 m), spread (3.97 m), new culm (33.53 no.), total
culms (117.97 nos.), canopy diameter (11.73 m), biomass (229.37 Mg/ha) and
harvestable yield (2354.59 no./ha) was observed in Bambusa tulda in 14 years after plantation.
In case of Bambusa tulda,
increase in OM%, available N in kg/ha, P2O5 in kg/ha
& K2O in kg/ha of 42.06 %, 17.36 %, 13.14 % & 6.92 %
respectively over the initial year were recorded.