AICRP on Tuber crops (Other than potato)
was initiated in the year 1972 in the
department of Horticulture,Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat. The
Headquarter of the project is located at ICAR Central Tuber CropsResearch
Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The centre is doing the research work on
different tuber crops viz., Cassava, Yam, Sweet potato, Aroid and other minor
tuber crops.
I. Collection, maintenance and evaluation of
germplasm of different tuber crops.
II. .Maximization of tuber crop production through,
Evolving high yielding varieties,
Perfecting various cultural practices and
- Crop protection measures.
Qualitative improvement in tuber crops.
IV. Dissemination
of improved technology among the farmers.