AICRP on Sugarcane, AAU-SMAPRS, Buralikson
All India Coordinated Research Project(AICRP) on Sugarcane with its HQ located at ICAR- Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow is serving the
Nation by coordinating research work on sugarcane since 1970 through a
network of sugarcane research stations of ICAR, State Agricultural
Universities, State Govt. Departments and Non-Government Organizations. As per the mandate, main emphasis is laid on the development
of improved sugarcane varieties, crop production and protection
technologies suited to commercial cultivation under different
agro-climatic conditions in the country. The improved
sugarcane varieties for cane yield, sugar recovery and resistance
against major insect- pest and diseases for various climatic conditions
have increased the sugar production of the country. The project started at AAU- Sugarcane, Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Research Station, Buralikson w.e.f. 1975
On Going
ICAR-IISR, Lucknow sponsored project on
"AICRP on Sugarcane", project cost Rs.207 Lakh
About the Project:
All India Coordinated Research Project on Sugarcane is serving
the Nation by coordinating research work on sugarcane since 1970 through
a network of sugarcane research stations of ICAR, State Agricultural
Universities, State Govt. Departments and Non-Government Organizations.
At present, there are 22 regular centers and 17 voluntary centers for
conducting research and multi-location testing of technology for wider
adoption. As per the mandate, main emphasis is laid on the development
of improved sugarcane varieties, crop production and protection
technologies suited to commercial cultivation under different
agro-climatic conditions in the country. Under flagship programme of
varietal development, 144 sugarcane varieties have been developed
through AICRP on Sugarcane and of these, 82 varieties have been released
and notified by Central Varietal Release Committee (CVRC) for
commercial cultivation in different parts of the country. The improved
sugarcane varieties for cane yield, sugar recovery and resistance
against major insect- pest and diseases for various climatic conditions
have increased the sugar production of the country.
The Project provides forum to the researchers for deliberations
on new varieties and making recommendations on crop production and crop
protection. In order to provide fluff to the breeders, a National
Hybridization Garden was established in 1972 at the Sugarcane Breeding
Institute wherein all the parents so far identified for their characters
are planted in separate plots and the breeders of the centers make use
of it for crossing and fluff production. SBI, Coimbatore also extends
facility for crossing work at the National Distant Hybridization
facility established at
Agali (District Palakkad, Kerala). The research
programmes of the project are decided according to the mandate and
objectives of the AICRP on Sugarcane.
The headquarters of the Project (Coordination Unit) is housed in
the Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow(UP).
Mandates of the Project:
1.Evaluation of locally adapted sugarcane varieties with improved yield
and quality as well as resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses.
2.Development of package of practices for higher cane & sugar production.
3.Development of low cost technologies for sugarcane production.
4.Intensifying and extending the networking facility and information
generation for transfer of technology to the farmers and sugar industry.
Objectives of the Project:
1. To coordinate multilocation testing of germplasm and advance breeding
materials for evaluating appropriate region/location specific improved
2.To organize and conduct strategic and applied research of
inter-disciplinary nature for evolving appropriate region/location specific package of practices for crop production.
3.To develop region or location specific strategies for integrated disease
and pest management.
4.Enhancement and maintenance of disease free nucleus seed material for
distribution to the cooperating organizations.
5.To disseminate generated information and technology.
List of ongoing coordinated trials :
A. Experiments under Plant Breeding and Genetics
1. Initial Varietal Trial (Early)
2. Initial Varietal Trial (Mid-late)
3. Advanced Varietal Trial (Early)
4. Advanced Varietal Trial (Mid-late)
5. Clonal nursery
6. 1st ,2nd and 3rd clonal nursery
B. Experiments under Plant Pathology
1. PP 17 A: Evaluation of zonal varieties for resistance to red rot
2. PP 17 A: Evaluation of zonal varieties for resistance to yellow leaf disease (YLD)
3. PP 17 F: Evaluation of zonal varieties for resistance to twisted top (pokkah boeng)
4. PP 22: Survey of sugarcane diseases naturally occurring in the area on important sugarcane
Achievements of All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Sugarcane
1. In early 80’s two improved varieties were released, viz., CoJor-1 and CoJor-2
2. In between 80’s and 90’s many varieties were recommended for Assam of which Co-997 and Co-740 were very popular
3. In the year 1997, the variety Dhansiri (CoBln 9605) was identified as a promising variety and recommended for Assam and NE region
4. In 2005, three early maturing varieties, Viz., Doria (CoBln 9101), Kolong (CoBln 9102), Borak (CoBln 9103) and one midlate variety Lohit (CoBln 9104) were released by SVRC, Assam on 27.01.2005
5. Two varieties tolerant to water logging, Nambor (CoBln 94063) and Kapilipar (CoBln 90006) were released and approved by SVRC, Assam on 07.02.2007
6. The midlate variety Kakodunga (CoBln 04174) was identified as a promising variety in the year 2012 by AICRP (S)
7. The variety Doiyang (CoBln 02173)was notified by Central Seed Committee on Crop Standards, Notification and Release of varieties during 2016 and was recommended for both autumn and spring plantation
8. At present in early maturing group, the varieties CoBln 16501, CoBln 19501, CoBln 23501 and CoBln 24501 are in pipeline and under midlate category CoBln 16502, CoBln 19502, CoBln 20501, CoBln 22501, CoBln 22502, CoBln 23502, CoBln 24503 and CoBln 23504 are in pipeline.