Billal Hoque Choudhury; Priyanka Das; Mahadev Uzir Basumatary
Study on nutritional and antinutritional profile of value added products made from tapioca tubers from Assam, India,
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Mahadev Uzir Basumatary; Nayan Jyoti Ojha; Kumdeswar Thakuria; Jayanta Deka
Growth , yield attributes and yield of summer greengram as affectted by levels of phosphorus and lime,
Journal of the Agricultural Science Society of North East India,
Bhuyan, N.; Kalita, B.; Nandy, T.; Basumatary, M.; Paul, S.K. and Upadhaya, V.(2019). Scientific cultivation of Maize in Assam. Regional Agricultural Research Station , Gossaigaon, Gossaigaon
Brahma, S.; Bhuyan, M.K. and Basumatary, M.U.(2013). Improved cultivation practices of Cucumber. Programme Coordinator, KVK, Kokrajhar, Gossaigaon
Brahma, S.; Bhuyan, M.K. and Basumatary, M.U.(2013). Multistoried cropping in Horticultural crops . Programme Coordinator, KVK, Kokrajhar, Gossaigaon
Basumatary, M.U. and Thakuria, K.(2004). Development of Agro -techniques for sustainable productivity of rice based utera cropping system. Directorate of Research (Agri.), AAU, Jorhat, AAU, Jorhat
As SMS in KVK, Kokrajhar
i)Organized 34 nos. of trainings, coordinated 19 nos. of training and acted as resource persons in more than 60 numbers of training programme covering about 3000 numbers of practicing farmers, rural youths and extension functionaries, assessed 12 nos. of technologies in the farmer’s field, conducted 15 nos. of demonstrations programmes on different HYVs of paddy, oilseeds and pulses and improved production technologies, organized 19 nos. of field days, 7 nos. of Exposure visits, 4 nos. of exhibitions, conducted 2 nos. of PRA programmes, one Technology week, 4 nos. of farmer’s scientist interaction and 1 no. of method demonstration.
ii) Popularized SRI techniques among the farmers of Kokrajhar district and motivated farmers to use less seeds and fertilizers
iii.First time introduced and promoted participatory seed production in Kokrajhar district for paddy (Winter rice var. Ranjit) and oil seeds (toria) in the farmer’s field under technology showcasing programme.
iv) Popularization of hybrid Maize in the Gossaigaon subdivision which is giving 50% higher crop yield as compared to local varieties with higher net return (Rs. 19,000 per ha) and more than 40 % of the farmers adopted this variety.
As Junior Scientist in RARS, Gossaigaon
i) Successfully handling the AICRP trial on Maize in Agronomy discipline in both kharif and rabi season allotted by AICRP main centre
ii) Crop management technology developed under the Agronomy trial i.e under rain fed conditions residue retention @ 5 t/ha on the soil surface is recommended for the NHZ for enhancing maize productivity by 9-29%.
iii) The intercropping of soybean/black gram with maize is also recommended during kharif season
iv) In late sown crop, the sequential application of pre and post emergence herbicide as Atrazine 1000 g/ha (PE) followed by Topramezone 25.2 g/ha or Tembotrione 120 g/ha at 25 DAS is recommended for higher yield and net returns across India based on three years trial conducted in all the centres of AICRP on Maize including Gossaigaon centre
v) Hybrid maize is popularized through the FLD programme conducted in the farmers field of Kokrajhar district under AICRP on Maize
vi) The area under rabi Maize has been increased in the nearby areas through the training programme, Field days etc. conducted under AICRP programme at RARS, Gossaigaon
Society of Weed Science
Life Member
Maize Technology Association of India
Life Member
ICAR, New Delhi sponsored
project on
"All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Maize (Agronomy)",
implemented in 1979.