Sinki Barman; Pallabi Das; Pallavi Deka; Ajanta Borah; Animesh Deka; Dipen Ch Nath; Rudra Narayan Borkakati; Manoranjan Neog
Exploring Microeconomic Dynamics and Challenges in Vegetable-Based Farming System,
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International,
, DOI : 10.9734/JEAI/2024/v46i32330
Sinki Barman
Evaluation of ICAR Schemes / Approaches- Progressive Farmers Perception on KVKs Activities,
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International,
, DOI :
Validation Of Biointensive IPM Practices Against Pest Complex of Organic Black Rice,
Indian Journal of Entomology ,
, DOI : 10.55446/IJE.2023.491
Pallavi Deka; Sinki Barman; H. Rabha; D. Borah; P. K. Pathak; R.K. Saud
An Economic analysis of rice based cropping systems and its adoption behaviour in udalguri district of assam,
Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu,
, DOI : 10.54986/irjee/2023/jul_sep/86-91
Dipen Ch. Nath; Bonti Gogoi; Sinki Barman; Dinku Bora; Sewali Saikia; P Chowdhury; RN Borkakatati
Yield enhancement of Rajmah through Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) in Cachar district ofAssam,
The Pharma Innovation Journal ,
R N Borkakatia; Sinki Barman; D K Saikia; Robin Gogoi
Indigenous technical knowledge of Assam for pests management -Exploit potential in organic agriculture,
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge,
, DOI : 10.56042/ijtk.v22i1.36752
Naseema Rahman; Sinki Barman
Performance of garlic (Allium sativum L.) germplasm/ varieties as affected by the planting time in North Eastern India,
The Pharma Innovation,
RN Borkakati; DK Saikia; Sinki Barman; Bharat Nath; Nasima Rahman; HK Deva Nath
Eco-friendly way of management of banana leaf and fruit scarring beetle, Basilepta subcostata (Jacoby) (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera),
The Pharma Innovation,
Sinki Barman; Niranjan Deka; Pallavi Deka
KMAS as a Tool for Dissemination of Agricultural Technologies in Nagaon District of Assam,
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology ,
, DOI : 10.9734/AJAEES/2021/v3i1030693
Pallavi Deka; Sinki Barman; Debasish Borah
Market Chain Analysis of Orange: A Case Study in Udalguri District of Assam,
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ,
, DOI : 0.9734/AJAEES/2019/v30i130100
R N Borkakati; D K Saikia; Sinki Barman
Development of Bipm Module against Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer Leucinodes Orbonalis Guenee for Northeast India,
Indian Journal of Entomology ,
, DOI : 10.5958/0974-8172.2020.00149.2
D. K. Saikia; R. N. Borkakati; M. R. Venkatesh; Sinki Barman
Role of Weather Parameters on Population Build Up of Minor Insect Pests of Brinjal,
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ,
, DOI :
Sinki Barman; Niranjan Deka; Pallavi Deka
Impact Assessment of KVK Training Programme in Nagaon district of Assam, India,
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ,
, DOI :
Sinki Barman; Niranjan Deka; Ashfeeka Islam; Dipen Ch. Nath; Juli Sharma; Animesh Deka; Bonti Gogoi
Farmers Loss Assessment in Nagaon District of Assam during Lock Down Period (24th March to 14th April, 2020),
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ,
, DOI :
Sinki Barman; Niranjan Deka; Pallavi Deka
Status, Problems and Prospects of Plantation Crops in Nagaon District of Assam, India,
Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences ,
, DOI : 5984-1203-123
Sinki Barman; Nivedita Deka
Impact of Farm Mechanization on Income of Farmers in Assam, India,
Asian Journal of agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology,
, DOI : 10.9734/AJAEES/2019/v30i130100
Pallavi Deka; Debasish Borah; Pompy Borah; Sinki Barman
Analyzing Impact of improved technologies on technology adoption and profitability of Toria in Udalguri District,
Indian Journal of Social Research ,
Pallavi Deka; Sinki Barman; Nivedita Deka; Jayanta Prasad Hazarika
Determining Optimal Solution of Short Term Loan Use to Maximize Net Farm Return in Jorhat District of Assam,
Asian Journal of agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology,
, DOI : 10.9734/AJAEES/2019/v34i430208
Sinki Barman; Niranjan Deka; Pallavi Deka
Market Structure of Coconut in Nagaon district of Assam, India,
Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences ,
, DOI : 5512-1801-117
Ajanta Borah; Sinki Barman
NICRA Project and Its Impact on Farmers Practices – A Study in Cachar District of Assam,
Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education,
Ajanta Borah; Sinki Barman
Flood Havoc And Its Strategic Management For Enhancing Farmers Income In Barak Valley Zone Of Assam,
SELP Journal of Social Science ,
Sinki Barman; Nivedita Deka
Impact of Farm Mechanization on Human Labour Employment,
International Journal of Agricultural Sciences,
Sinki Barman; Nivedita Deka; Pallavi Deka
Impact of Farm Mechanization on Cropping Pattern and Cropping Intensity - A Case Study from Assam, India,
Asian Journal of agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology,
, DOI : 10.9734/AJAEES/2019/v32i230149
Sinki Barman
Factors Affecting Farm Mechanization – A Case Study in Assam, India,
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension Economics &Sociology,
, DOI : 10.9734/AJAEES/2019/v32i130146
Sinki Barman; Nivedita Deka
Status of Farm Mechanization on in Assam,
Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences ,
, DOI : 5476-2412-076
Barman, S.; Deka, N. and Borkakati, R.N.(2018). Mechanization of Agricultural Situation in Assam:: Status and Scope. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN:6139873746
Barman, S.; Borkakati, R.N. and Changmai, H.K.(2016). Coconut Cultivation in Nalbari District of Assam: An Economic Analysis of Production and Marketing. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN:3659928607
Bhattacharyya, S.; Barman, S. and Neog, M.(2024). xampratik jugot Krishi Saprasaronot radior prasangikota. in : Vokti Prabah, Borah, S.; Borah, P.P. (Eds), Centenary Celebration Committee of Namghar, Raghubari ,Centenary Celebration Committee of Namghar, Raghubari village, Dikhowmukh, Sivsagar, pp 60-65.
Gogoi, B. and Barman, S.(2023). Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture. in : Krishikalpa, Rahman, M. and Goswami, G. (Eds), Souvenir Sub Committee, 8 th Assam International Agri- Horti Show-2023,8 th Assam International Agri- Horti Show-2023, Khanapara, Guwahati-22, Assam, India, pp 113-114.
Barman, S.(2023). Plan and Schemes for Promotion of Agricultural Development. in : Resource Inventory of Nagaon district, Assam, Gogoi, B.; (Ed), KVK, Nagaon,Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nagaon-782002, Assam, pp 51-63, ISBN:9789361281556.
Saikia, P.; Das, P.; Deka, P.; Barman, S.; Borah, S. and Barman, P.(2024). "Digital Harvest: Cultivating success with ICT for Transformative Agricultural Development". in : "Emerging Trends in Agricultural Extension Education (Volume 2)", Rai, D.D.; (Ed), S P Publishing,Unit 6, Bhubaneswar-751001 Website:, pp 130-134, ISBN:978-93-5980-562-7.
Deka, P.; Das, P.; Barman, S.; Saikia, P.; Borah, D. and Borah, S.(2024). Breaking chains, building dreams: Paving the way to equality through captivating Adult Education. in : Emerging Trends in Agricultural Extension Education (Volume 2), Rai, D.D.; (Ed), S P Publishing,Unit 6, Bhubaneswar-751001 Website:, pp 278-285, ISBN:978-93-5980-562-8.
Deka, N. and Barman, S.(0). Doubling Farmers’ Income- Nagaon. in : Doubling Farmers’ Income-, Pathak, P.K. and Neog, M. Sharma, C.K.; Gogoi, G.; Borah, R.J.; (Eds), Book published by Directorate of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat ,Directorate of Extension Education, AAU, Jorhat-13, pp 205-222.
Barman, S.; Deka, A.; Deka, N.; Deka, P. and Borkakati, R.N.(2023). Abstract on "Adoption of major rice varieties -A case study in Nagaon district of Assam" International Conference of Biodiversity, Food Security, Sustainability and climate change (ICBFSCC-2023) Assam Agricultur University, Jorhat ,College of Agriculture, Jorhat, Assam and Prof. H. S. Foundation For Science, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India,Assam Agricultur University, Jorhat, Vol. 1, 182 - 182.
Borkakati, .R.N.; Deka, M.K.; Rahman, S.; Das, P.; Borah, D.; Barman, S. and , N.R.(2023). Abstract on "Effective management strategy for papaya mealy bug" International Conference of Biodiversity, Food Security, Sustainability and climate change (ICBFSCC-2023) Assam Agricultur University, Jorhat ,College of Agriculture, Jorhat, Assam and Prof. H. S. Foundation For Science, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India,Assam Agricultur University, Jorhat, Vol. 2, 97 - 97.
Borkakati1, R.; Saikia, D. and Barman, S.(2021). BIPM module against brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbanalis Guenee for Assam Sixth National Conference on Biological Control: Innovative Approaches for Green India ICAR-NBAIR,Bengaluru by Virtual mode ,ICAR-NBAIR,Bengaluru, Vol. 3(1), 123 - 123.
Barman, S.; Nath, D.C.; Bardoloi, N.J.; Saud, R.K. and Deka, N.(2021). Kisan Credit Card- Ek alochana. Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Nagaon, ASSam Agrcioultural University Jorhat, KVK, Nagaon
Bardoloi, N.J.; Nath, D.C.; Gogoi, B.; Barman, S. and Deka, N.(2021). Banakranta oncholor dankheti. Extension bulletin published by KVK, Nagaon, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat , KVK, Nagaon
Bardoloi, N.J.; Kalita, B.; Deka, N. and Barman, S.(2021). Salidhanor unnat Krishi paddhati. Extension bulletin published by KVK, Nagaon, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat , KVK, Nagaon
Nath, D.C.; Sharma, J.; Bardoloi, N.J.; Barman, S. and Deka, N.(2021). Rakhayonik Xaror bikolpo hisape kesuxar. Extension bulletin published by KVK, Nagaon, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat , KVK, Nagaon
Bardoloi, N.J.; Nath, D.C.; Gogoi, B.; Barman, S. and Deka, N.(2021). Banakranta oncholor dankheti. Extension bulletin published by KVK, Nagaon, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat , KVK, Nagaon
Reviewed more than 14 numbers of manuscripts in peer-reviewed Journal having NAAS >4
Best Poster presentation award for “Economic implications of vegetable-based farming system:A micro-level approach" on 10th Indian Horticulture Congress-2023, Unleashing Horticultural Potential for Self-Reliant India held on 06-09 November,2023 at C. V. Sc., AAU, Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam
“Best KVK professional award" during 1st International Extension Education Congress-2023 by the Society of Extension Education
“INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH STAR AWARD" for research paper published in ICAR journal in high society ISSN International Research Awards Congress (IIRAC 2024) in the fascinating ceremony associated with World Research Council, Oxford Research News & Z24 News on 23rd June 2024, at Grandeur Hall, Breeze Residency, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
“Best Extension Scientist Award, for Excellent Contribution in the Field of Agriculture & Allied Sector under ‘Dr. Ram Avatar Shiksha Samiti.’”
“Best Extension Scientist Award, 2024 in Production Economics” in the “7th International Conference on Advances in Agriculture Technology and Allied Sciences,” held on September 15-16, 2024, under the Society of Agriculture Research and Social Development at The Neotia University, West Bengal, India
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Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences
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IIPR, Kanpur sponsored
project on
""Promotion of pulses in NEH region under IIPR-NEH component for 2024-25", implemented in 2024-25",
project cost Rs.1.5965 Lakh
implemented in 2024.