General Informations

  • Join Date: 06/11/2008
  • College: Directorate of Research(Agri)
  • Department: AAU-Zonal Research Station, Shillongani
  • Office Email: anju.m.deka[at]

Education Details


Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13


Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13

Ph.D. (Agronomy)

Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13

Employment History

29-12-1999 - 06-05-2002
Research Associate (RA)

Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13

06-05-2002 - 31-12-2004
Research Associate (RA)

Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13

10-08-2007 - 05-11-2008
Senior Research Fellow ( SRF)

Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13

06-11-2008 - 31-12-2015
Subject Matter Specialist (Agronomy)

Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13

01-01-2016 - 31-12-2019
Junior Scientist Stage- II (Agronomy)

Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13

01-09-2020 - 31-12-2022
Junior Scientist Stage- III (Agronomy)

Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13

01-01-2023 - Till date
Senior Scientist (Agronomy)

Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13

  • Achievements at the time of SMS service (From November, 2008 to December, 2015)

    1. Conducted total of 44 nos. of OFTs on newly developed technologies in the farmer’s fields of different locations through which altogether 127 farmers were benefited. Already the improved varieties of sugarcane (viz. Dhansiri, Lohit & Barak), Toria (var. TS-67), hybrid rice (var.PA 6444), SRI method of rice cultivation, boro rice (var. Joymati, Swarnabh), Sali rice var. Satryaranjan, Mulagabharu, TTB 404 etc. were preferred by the farmers and popularized among them. The participatory farmers of OFT on varietal performance of sugarcane were highly satisfied with the yield (70-75t/ha) of improved var. Dhansiri, Barak & Lohit as compared to their local one ( 40-60 % increase in yield over local one). Among them performance of the var. Dhansiri was best which is still cultivating and spreading to other locations. Within 2 yrs ( 2009-10 to 2011-12) of cultivation, the beneficiary farmers able to supply about 70 t setts to other nearby farmers, neighboring villages and agriculture offices (DAO,ATMA, BRC-pakhimoria, Kampur, Jamunamukh, Bor Pathari, Maj Pathori, Jalah, Dakarghat, Rengbeng, Dakhinpat etc.) of Nagaon, besides fulfilling their own requirement and thereby resulting in horizontal expansion of area under improved varieties of sugarcane from initial 0.66ha (OFT area) to 10 ha area within 2 years.

    2. Total of 49 nos. of FLDs were conducted on varietal performance of rice, wheat, jute, different pulses and oilseeds as well as SRI method, direct seeded Sali rice etc. to popularize the improved production technologies among farmers through which altogether 480 farmers benefited Already the improved varieties of toria (TS-38, M-27, TS-36, TS-46), Jute var. Tarun, Backgram var. KU 301, PU 31, T9; Greengram var. Pratap, boro rice var. Joymati, Sali rice var. Ranjit & Gitesh; Glutinous rice var. Aghoni bora, Scented rice var. Keteki joha & Bakul joha; Short duration rice var. Kolong & Dishang etc. were popularized and about 20-50 % adoption of improved varieties by the farmers due to good yield over their local one.

    3. Total of 99 nos. of training programmes were organized and conducted on improved production technologies of different field crops as per season through which altogether about 2588 trainees (PF, RY and EF) were benefited.

    4. Organized & conducted one Vocational Training programme for 20 trainees (PF +RY) on “Seed production techniques of rice, lentil and toria” for development of knowledge & skills to trainees on certified seed production on 19-26th February, 2013.

    5. Involved in method demonstrations (15 nos.) viz. use of bio-fertilizer in rice, preparation of mat nursery of rice, SRI nursery bed preparation, transplanting of rice seedling in SRI method, use of poly-tunnel in boro rice nursery bed, use of paddy transplanter for transplanting of rice seedlings, use of treadle pump technology for irrigation etc.

    6. Involved in planning, organization and implementation of field days (23 nos.) under FLDs, FPARP & Tech. Showcasing programmes to popularize the technology among the non participatory farmers.

    7. Involved in 234 soil sample collection and analysis works for N, P, K, pH & OC content since 2008-09 to 2011-July, 2011.

    8. Involved in Seed production programme on rice, oilseed and pulse under Technology showcasing since 2010-11 to produce quality seed of HYV Sali rice (Ranjit), Toria (TS-46, TS-38, M-27), Lentil (IPL-81, HUL-57 & IKLS-218) and Boro rice (Joymati, Swarnabh, Kanaklata) in public private partnership mode.

    9. Involved in other extention activities viz. field visit, exhibition, Krissan Mela, sponsored training programmes, awareness programme, celebration of important days (4 nos.), PRA survey work, Farmers-Sceintist interaction programmes (5 nos.),collaborative programmes with other departments/institutions like DAO, JDA office, ATMA, SRID, IFFCO, NABARD of Nagaon, diagnostic visits & advisory service to the farmers on various problems; mobile advisory services and on line telephonic conversation to solve farmer’s various problems related to crop production etc. time to time.

    10. Involved in the Farmers Participatory Action Research Programme (FPARP) on water management in boro rice & Toria during 2009-10 as well as treadle pump technology for irrigation in Toria (TS-38), Summer blackgram (KU-301) and greengram (Pratap) and Ahu rice (Dishang) by SRI method during 2011-12, Sponsored by Ministry of Water Resources, New Delhi and AICRP on water management, AAU, Jorhat.

    11. Involved in AACP Project implemented at KVK, Nagaon by the Director of Research, AAU, Jorhat as Associated Scientist from 2009 to 2011 and preparation of the Final Project Report.
  • Achievement at the time of Junior Scientist service (From 2016 to 2023)

    A. Technology recommended: 5 nos.

    * Tillage practice: Relay cropping of chickpea: Broadcast the seeds of chickpea in standing crop of rice at 15-20 days after 50% flowering in the soil with sufficient moisture.

    * Conservation agriculture practices: Grow chickpea in rice-fallows under rainfed condition with 2 harrowing followed by one planking and application of rice straw mulch @ 2.0 t/ha after sowing in chickpea

    * Chickpea based intercropping system: Grow linseed as intercrop with chickpea in the row ratio 6:2 for obtaining higher chickpea equivalent yield (CEY), land equivalent ratio (LER) economics and reducing pod borer infestation.

    * In rice-chickpea relay system, use 70 kg/ha (9.5kg/bigha) seed rate for chickpea and maintain the cutting height of rice stubble upto 35 cm.

    * Nutrient management in relay cropping: Spay 0.5%NPK (19:19:19) and 0.5% ZnSO4. 7H2O separately at pre-flowering and pod initiation stage of lentil

    B. Technologies under pipeline: 4nos.

    1. Weed management in chickpea: Spray post emergence herbicide

    ‘Topramezone’ @ 20.6 g a.i./ha at 15-21 DAS (under pipe line, OFT is going on)

    2. Foliar nutrition in relayed chickpea: Spray 0.5% NPK (19:19:19) at pre-flowering and pod initiation stage of chickpea (under pipe line, OFT is going on)

    3. Evaluation of chickpea varieties for utera condition: Grow chickpea var. GNG 2207 as relay crop (under pipe line, MLT is going on)

    4. In rice –pea relay system, use 80 kg/ha seed rate for field pea and prim the seed with 1% KNO3 before sowing (under pipe line, MLT is going on)
  • Agricultural Science Society of North East India
    Life Member
  • The Indian Society of Agronomy, IARI, New Delhi-110012
    Life Member
  • Indian Society of Pulses Research and Development, ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur
    Life Member
  • Assam Horticultural Society, Agriculture Campus, Khanapara, Guwahati-22, Assam
    Life Member